Hi Potential new member to this forum
There has been over the last few years, months and weeks a good deal of new people joining this forum. I would just like to point out that failure to adhere to the rules and regulations will see your account not being activated and just deleted.
Now yes I understand this is restrictive, and I also understand that you might indeed think I won’t bother and even think rude thoughts when you are not activated.
But please think off this, I get a lot of people joining this forum, I check every one which takes a great deal of my time, if I never we would be inundated with spam, adverts, trolls, and other such idiots. I have to think of the greater good.
The BTS would like to keep this forum clean and productive, if this is a problem to you then please don't join! If you what to join then we are happy to have you here and joining is EASY! And we welcome you, hey why have a forum in the first place if this was not the case?
Just read the rules and regulations, your account will be activated in less than 24 hours.
You might think this is harsh, and to an extent I agree with you; however its keeps the BTS Forum clear of adverts for Viagra and other offensive material. Take it from me this is a well visited forum with over 1500 hits per day, this attracts a lot of people who do not what to talk tarantulas but just spread viruses, adverts for sex aids and other such material. So please help me to help you.
I hope this explains things
Very best regards
There has been over the last few years, months and weeks a good deal of new people joining this forum. I would just like to point out that failure to adhere to the rules and regulations will see your account not being activated and just deleted.
Now yes I understand this is restrictive, and I also understand that you might indeed think I won’t bother and even think rude thoughts when you are not activated.
But please think off this, I get a lot of people joining this forum, I check every one which takes a great deal of my time, if I never we would be inundated with spam, adverts, trolls, and other such idiots. I have to think of the greater good.
The BTS would like to keep this forum clean and productive, if this is a problem to you then please don't join! If you what to join then we are happy to have you here and joining is EASY! And we welcome you, hey why have a forum in the first place if this was not the case?
Just read the rules and regulations, your account will be activated in less than 24 hours.
You might think this is harsh, and to an extent I agree with you; however its keeps the BTS Forum clear of adverts for Viagra and other offensive material. Take it from me this is a well visited forum with over 1500 hits per day, this attracts a lot of people who do not what to talk tarantulas but just spread viruses, adverts for sex aids and other such material. So please help me to help you.
I hope this explains things
Very best regards