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Rules and Regulations


The BTS T: Community Forum rules

Dear Guest

1: You will have to create a user profile before posting to any of the boards. You must use a valid email account when creating this profile. Your email is not used to send unwanted spam. As this board is hosted and maintained on the BTS server they are not sold onto such companies who send such spam messages.

2;When posting pictures on the 'BTS Pix' make sure the images you have linked to, are of a reasonable size and resolution. Not all visitors to this board have broadband connections. I recommend using these settings
Jpeg - 96 pixels, no more 450 to 500 pixels wide make sure you have your name and copyright are embedded on the picture to prevent copyright theft.

3: Signature attachments: I/We are happy to allow such attachments but respectfully request that images in these signatures are kept to a minimum size. Links to your own web sites are also welcome. Do not abuse this, blatant plugging and pimping will not be tolerated.

4: Please do not post any profanity or slanderous remarks. Naming shaming and personal attacks will not be allowed. If you have a grievance with someone or a company, dealer etc. contact the BTS directly. Such postings will be edited or deleted. The Admin and Moderators are here for this purpose

5: Please do not post advertisements; we have an excellent bulletin board for this purpose.

6: Avatars, offensive images will be removed and your account

7: If using references taken from a book, hobby journal, websites or copyright pictures which are not your original intellectual copyright, we respectfully ask you list these after you posting. This respectful to the original authors hard work. Failing to do so may result in the thread being put on hold until correct and rightful references are listed.

8: We respectfully ask that you do not start threads that will create bad feeling and arguments. These threads will be deleted without explanation.

9: Registering on this forum requires activation by an forum administrator, to avoid this not being excepted, please fill in your profile fully and correctly.

10: Photographs and gallery images; please refrain from posting images of handling this only encourages such activities and there a lot of younger patrons on this forum that may influenced by such images and may attempt handling unnecessarily and as a result injure the tarantula or themselves.

11: Use of your real full name is required (I.E. First-name and Surname, example John Smith), and a full and accurate listing of your interests will also help in prompt activation of your account. The use of hotmail, Gmail, yahoo and other such free email accounts will not be excepted unless accompanied by a full profile and your real name.

11a: If you are a verifiable BTS member, once registered you can apply to have you account update to use your name and initials. You must supply me with a membership number to do so. Your are still required to register with your real full name and then ask to have this changed to initials I.E. Mark P or M Pennell.

PLEASE NOTE! - Free email accounts are often linked with spamming and trolls, so follow the above rule to the letter or this WILL result in the none activation and immediate deletion of the account!

Certain accounts which are restricted as above or indeed banned ones which have been linked to spammers, trolls and out right pain in the neck idiots. So if you are having problems registering with a suspected banned email then contact me and I will look into the problem and help you get registered.

The BTS want you here, contributing and enjoying a trouble free and informative forum. So be patient, and if you are not activated, then think to yourself why has this happened?

Try again! and fully follow the guidelines and you will find it will be trouble free in joining this forum.

PLEASE NOTE! - Failure to do this WILL result in the none activation and immediate deletion of the account!

All problems arising from this T, Community board should be directed to the administrator if you are unhappy with a posting you have created or someone else’s post contact the Admin. If we all follow these simple requests then the board will be non political and unbiased and it will fill up with excellent tarantula related information we can all share and enjoy. They rules and regulations are subject to constant amendment.

Mark Pennell
BTS Committee and forum Admin

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Most users ever online was 2,954 at 12:56 PM on 15-11-18.
