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Announcements, Notices & BTS forum rules
General and Journal News
Information on forthcoming BTS Journals and general news
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
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Shows & Events
Shows & Exhibitions, if you are aware of events please post here
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
Last Post: BTS Exhibition 2020
1 1
Mark Pennell
BTS Forum
Rules and Regulations - Please read before registering
Please read before registering and or posting on BTS T Community. failing to do so will affect the prompt activation of your account.
Topics: 3 Posts: 3
3 3
Open discussion
Open discussion on tarantulas and their related kin
Topics: 4 Posts: 6
Last Post: Anybody out there?
4 6
Ian Hall
B.T.S. Classifieds, Trades & Breeding Directory
B.T.S. Classifieds
Support the B.T.S. and sell your "tarantulas and spiderlings" at the same time. Read the information section.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
B.T.S. Breeding Directory
Males and Females in need of mating
Topics: 398 Posts: 554
398 554
Dave Freeman
B.T.S Breeding success Announcements
Let us know what you have bred!
Topics: 165 Posts: 834
165 834
BTS Tarantula Pictures and videos
Post photographs or your tarantulas and related kin
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BTS Video clips (74/271)
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General Questions
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5,800 48,156

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