Poecilotheria rufilata

female NC 06/2006

male NC ?

female last moult: march 2011

Date male matured: 2011 ?

Last mating date: 25 may 2011

Mating behaviour: i've leaving the male 30 min in the receptive female tank, i retreive him after the insertion because this female has kill two males this last years.

Tank conditions before mating: 22°-25°, HR 70-75

feeding before mating: one big dubia per weeks on last month before mating.

Tank conditions after mating: 23°-27°, HR 65-70 and 70-80 with eggsac

feeding after: two dubia in two months

first eggsac:

eggsac: 14 july 2011 ~

taking eggsac: 08 august 2011 , 117 N1

N2 : 18 august 2011, 68 N2 ( it was my second eggsac and my first incubator, with a big error )

spiderlings: 08 september 2011, 67 st1

second eggsac:

tank conditions : dec-jan 21°-23° and feb-mar 22°-25°, HR 60-70% on dec -jan and 70-75 after feb.

eggsac: 20 february 2012 ~

taking eggsac: 14 march 2012, total 70 N1 ( good ~50, dead 20 )



the first eggsac


spiderlings communal, today they do 5-8 cm legspan

my second eggsac