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A silly question...

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  • A silly question...

    I’m back into T’s after a few years out; having young kids with no fear of anything that walks or crawls, it seemed prudent. I wasn’t looking at grabbing a tarantula, but when getting some crickets for an unexpected house guest I’ve ended up with a Poecilotheria Regalis. Yes I know it’s not exactly the best ‘T’ to get back into the hobby with. I’m very aware of the reputation that Pokie bites have and don’t intend to find out first hand. But I couldn’t not get her. I’d just watched a little brat spend ten minutes banging on the glass of tanks, trying to provoke reactions from their inhabitants. His ‘Mummy’ was going to have to have a word with ‘Daddy’, before she could buy this beautiful creature as his Christmas present...once they were out the door she was mine (cruel and heartless aren’t I).

    I’ve had her a little over a month now and she seems to have settled in well; a nice moult within three days of getting her, she was eating two days after that and though she makes full use of her hide she seems reasonably happy.

    My question...and yes I know it’s damn stupid...basically with my earlier experiences with T’s I can’t remember ever seeing them relieve themselves (as in call of nature and I’m trying to keep this very clean). My Pokie does, very visibly, seemingly deliberate, and always in my direction. For two weeks it was always the same area of glass, directly at me, so I rearranged my desk and now for the following two weeks I again seem to be the target...but now with a good eighteen inches distance to the glass. Is this a defensive mechanism and she’s showing her disapproval of my presence (I do tend to spend a hell of a lot of time at my desk), or is it more likely to just be bad luck? Not that it bothers me, I’m just trying to understand a little of her behaviour,

    Many thanks,


  • #2
    Hi Phil,

    Welcome back to the world of tarantulas and the forum.

    P.regalis are, in my oppinion, a beautiful species and many report them to be calmer than their reputation would lead you to believe. Although at no point should we underestimate their ability to teleport, nor the toxicity of there venom. Personally I cannot fault your choice, it's not like you haven't kept any tarantulas before, and you're clearly aware of the risks - just don't let anymore brats bang on the tank....grrrr.

    As for your question; yes maybe she's(?) showing a disliking to a huge and potential predator hovering around the tank, or just decorating the new digs the way she likes? Sounds as bad as some Avics!

    Arachnophiles & Forum!


    • #3
      Good on yer Phil, just the sort of thing I would do, brats want a good slap.
      Welcome back to spiders.
      spider woman at Wilkinsons


      • #4
        Thanks Adam,

        Ah well a spider with distinct opinions about its environment, that’ll go well with the parrot who has a thing about keyboards...leave him alone for ten minutes and a keyboard becomes a hundred individual pieces of plastic that have to be played with. I’ll keep an eye on her though, because given the choice I’d rather she wasn’t stressed out.

        Mary, I’d rather leave the brats to do what they want, right up until the point where they get nipped and then laugh, unfortunately this usually leads to Mummy and Daddy demanding such dangerous creatures being banned...maybe it’ll have to be a good slapping.

        The only problem I’ve got now is my desk, I’m in desperate need of something just to balance it out, it doesn’t look right with just the one tank. Now I know a shop that had a Haplopelma Lividum just sitting there waiting for someone with the right temperament... Mmm...



        • #5
          Phil, just a thought re; you spending much time at your desk, does this mean that she is subjected to regular disturbance in terms of vibrations? e.g. are you a particularly heavy typist for example etc.

          If this is the case, then isolating the tank by placing it on a shelf just above your desk should do the trick.

          Arachnophiles & Forum!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Phil_B
            The only problem I’ve got now is my desk, I’m in desperate need of something just to balance it out, it doesn’t look right with just the one tank. Now I know a shop that had a Haplopelma Lividum just sitting there waiting for someone with the right temperament... Mmm...

            And so it begins!!

            Welcome back to the hobby Phil!



            • #7
              Well I seem to have sorted out madam now, on a shelf just a few inches above the desk and she now seems happy, many thanks Adam (which is why I asked, if there’s a bleeding obvious answer I’d never see it). I also seem to have sorted out the most distressing problem of an unbalanced desk...just slide in one T. I just have to wait to see what the wife says, it’s not as if ‘Henrietta’ is something she could

              Thanks everyone,



              • #8
                Hi Phil,

                Congrats on yet another new purchase ,hmmm...that's 2 in the space of a little over a month - it'll soon be spiralling out of control

                I'm glad that the shelf seems to have sorted it, and the blondi was a must!! Well done.......please show us some pictures if you get chance.

                Arachnophiles & Forum!


                • #9
                  Ok Adam,

                  I tried to tempt the Indian Ornamental out of her hide, hoping to take photos of her in her tank, but she wasn’t having any of it and I’m still cautious enough to not provoke her. The new Blondi was far more accommodating sitting nicely in her tank, but blending into the background. So I got brave and using a measuring jug from the kitchen we went with a mouse mat to take photos. They haven’t turned out too bad, but she doesn’t like standing on a mouse mat, it’s far more fun to go exploring.

                  So here we have Henrietta in the kitchen,

                  Not too bad for my first atempt at tarantula photography...



                  • #10
                    Nice pics Phil!

                    Brave of you to do so, sounds as thought she was pretty calm throughout the whole photo session?!
                    Arachnophiles & Forum!


                    • #11
                      Not brave, if she’d been the slightest bit jumpy I wouldn’t have risked it. On the whole she seems like a pretty calm tarantula, only when there are crickets involved does she become a monster...


