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An introduction

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  • An introduction

    Hi I am Mike and I have been a keeper of these great little pets for about 15 years.

    I have 12 T's at the moment......
    Chillie rose, Red Leg, Red Knee, Rio Grand Gold, Cobolt Blue, Goliath (Blondi) , Indian ornamental (P Regalis), White Knee, Tiger rump. Texas Tan (Aphonopelma of some sort), Zebra Knee, and my little Pachypus.
    Here is a pic of my temporary set up I am using until i finish my new cabinates.


    This is thermostatically controlled and the temps range from 69-75 at the bottom and 79 to 85 at the top.

    I use 3 different coloured light in this setup. A daytime full spec tube as it tends to aid burrowing, and evening blue tube which looks real nice and doesnt bother any of my spids and I watch them sit in there entrances waiting for dinner. And my red Standard 40 watts for night time watching so as to not disturb the nightly wreking of my tanks lol.

    Yes I have small Balls of Cotton Wool in some of the water dishes! lol
    I change it every day and have found that those particular spiders love to sit and bath on it and I feel safer when it comes to the slings.

    I hope I can be of help to you, as you have been of help to me.


  • #2
    Hi Mike, welcome to the BTS forum, nice collection of T's you have there, and a nice setup.



    • #3
      Mike, great looking setup. Look forward to seeing some more pics when you've finished setting up the new one.

      And welcome to theBTS.

      Arachnophiles & Forum!


      • #4
        welcome to thr BTS

        great setup,cant wait to see some pics of the T's


        • #5
          welcome to the BTS, great looking collection there


          • #6

            3 year old female Aphonopelma seemani.

            She is the most destructive Spider I have ever known and she will fill up her clean water dish with Vermiculite every time and completely refurbish her tank weekly lol. She is a very active girl and is one of my faves.

            Ill drop a pic of my spids as and when i take emm (today as i am off work ) . My cams a bit fiddly but ill do my best hehe.

            Thanks.... Mike.


            • #7
              Look forward to it!!

