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Heated Cabinet - Advice Please

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  • Heated Cabinet - Advice Please

    Now that I'm seemingly hooked , I was thinking about the various ways of keeping T.s and maintaining the temperature. A spider room is not possible due to the layout of my house, and individual heat mats are a pain, so I was thinking of possibly buying/making some sort of heated cabinet.

    This would have to be thermostatically controlled, so as not to freeze/dessicate any spiders, but I'm unsure of what heat source or type of cabinet to look for. I could use ceramic heat bulbs which would have the advantage of heating the air, or biggish heatmats which would heat the spiders, but would be difficult to control as they don't generally heat the air do they?

    Does anyone know of any suppliers of such equipment, or where I can look for some inspiration? Even better, has anyone done this already and can give me some pointers?


    My Collection:

  • #2


    • #3
      I have a heated viv/cabinet. I heat it with ceramics and nothing else. It's the best way to do it. I have invested in an expensive set up.

      Tank 7Ft wide - 4 ft high - 2 ft back £349
      Ceramic heater plus holders x2 £80
      Thermostat £70

      It creates a fantastic set up


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies

        Stefan, are your ceramic heaters the bulb emitter type? I think exo-terra make them.

        What do you keep in such a big cabinet

        My Collection:


        • #5
          Yes they are the bulb type.

          I keep 20 tarantulas in my set up. I used to use heat mats and they needed too much attention for them to work properly. I really recommend a cabinet for a larger collection.


          • #6
            Thanks for that Stefan. That's exactly the sort of info I'm after

            My Collection:


            • #7
              Depending on what spiders you want to keep in the cabinet would depend on how you heat it.

              Avicularia with striplights on 12/12 so they get warm during the day and a nighttime drop.

              I am currently working on an article for the BTS Journal on heated cabinets, and a second converting an alcove/cupboard.


              P.S. i also have some vivaria/cabinets up for grabs with electrics.


              • #8
                Thanks for the advice Ray

                I'd appreciate a PM explaining what you've got in the way of cabinets and how much you'd want for them if possible. Cheers.

                Originally posted by angelarachnid
                Depending on what spiders you want to keep in the cabinet would depend on how you heat it.

                Avicularia with striplights on 12/12 so they get warm during the day and a nighttime drop.

                I am currently working on an article for the BTS Journal on heated cabinets, and a second converting an alcove/cupboard.


                P.S. i also have some vivaria/cabinets up for grabs with electrics.

                My Collection:


                • #9
                  I brought a cabinet with glass doors from Ikea and put heat mats on the back (over a thin sheet of insulation foam) and installed a thermostat.

                  It works a treat. I will have space for 8 Ts, each in comfy surroundings in custom-built cages.

                  Larger terrestrials in 2 tanks on one shelf:
                  1x B. smithi male
                  1x B. albo

                  Smaller terrestrials in three tanks on one shelf:
                  1x C. cyano
                  1x P. murinus RCF
                  1x vacant

                  Bottom shelf:
                  1 x T. blondi, large tank
                  2 x aboreals, vacant

                  All vacancies to be filled at he BTS show hopefully

                  They are all slings or juves (except my 13 year old B. albo) so the arrangement is flexible. Any comments welcome!

                  Works a treat though - my Ts are all growing well and eating, webbing and generally looking contented.


                  • #10
                    Hi stigWeard......sounds good! Do you have any pictures at all?
                    Arachnophiles & Forum!


                    • #11
                      I have got some pics and will try to put them up in the next day or two.

                      It is just a stadard Ikea cabinet (can't remember the name though), so will look like a piece of furniture!

