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My Red Rump maybe causing itself injury

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  • My Red Rump maybe causing itself injury

    Last week I bought a Adult Male Red Rump from the Pet Shop, it looks healthy, it's been settled for about 6 days now and took to it's new home more or less straight away, seems to use the plant pot I provided anyway. Problem is he keeps trying to climb the sides of the tank then when he gets to the top he falls down again, the tank is one of those Wilcos £5 Vivariums that I had spare filled with 4" of peat moss. I also have a 30x30x45 EXO TERRA vivarium which I could transfer him into that as the Wilcos one maybe a bit small but what concerns me is the exo terra is even higher so he would do himself even more damage. Why is he constantly trying to climb the walls, could it be the substrate or is he in search of a female?

    Please excuse the dumb questions, I am fairly new to T's and this is my third T so far so I have little experience with them.

  • #2
    Not sure how big the wilcos ones are but the easy way to stop an injury due to a fall is to raise the substrate level untull its just possible for the T to reach the lid with its rear legs still on the substrate. The added benifit is that the T will be able to burrow and Vagans like to dig.
    Ian M updated 22/06/06


    • #3
      Well it's stretched out now and it's back legs are 2cm from the substrate.


      • #4

        Hi Lee your spider will be climing the walls all the time in search of a female and he wont stop till he finds her but other than that theres nothing you can do except get him a female other than that just make his home as safe as pos i.e no sharp things he can land on. Hope this helps lee thanks.
        james tack


        • #5
          Thank you both for the advice, I think he will be Ok as he can't climb that high anyway, I just need to find a Female Red for him now then :P

