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Can anyone help?

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  • Can anyone help?

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I already have 2 Chile Rose T's and a red Trapdoor spider, but now i have some more space im planning on expanding my collection (ive caught the bug!) with a Brazilian White Knee (Acanthoscurria geniculata) and also a Green Bottle Blue (Cromatopelma cyaneopubescens - i think thats right). Can anyone who has either of these species let me know what to expect and if there is anything i should or should not do?

    Many Thanks,


  • #2

    Hi ben I can give you a few tips first of I dont realy keep many new worlds I am more in to old worlds i.e asian/african and have about 80 tarantulas in all. But out of the few new worlds I do keep I do have Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens. These spiders come from Venazuela and are found in scrublands in northern Venazuela. I keep mine on about 4.inchs of substrat and all so have a few plastic twigs in there so they have something to attach there web on. I find that these spiders web a lot and some times act like they are arboreal or semi arboreal. I like to keep mine at about 75/80 the lower being better. These spiders can be a bit scittish so I would'nt try and handle it and that way its safer for the spider incase you drop her. I rely pick my spiders up becouse I dont trust my self if I get bitten incase I drop them. I have been bitten before by a few asian spiders and it hurts only pick them up if you realy have to. Any way hope this helps and if you need to no anything ells just ask thanks. :P
    james tack


    • #3
      Thanks James

      I like to know as much as i can before i actually go out and buy a new T.


      • #4

        Hi Ben its nice to here that its not often you get people looking more in to the spider there about to get. If more people did this there would be a lot less spiders being miss treated and there for less bad press. Any way I think you should read in to it a bit more then go for it, thanks. :P
        james tack


        • #5
          Hi Ben, with regard to the species you have mentioned, both are quite good to keep & fairly simple to look after, I keep my A. geniculata in stewart boxes ( as most of my spiders) at a temperature of 78F at the hot end of the tub, I allow them to dry out significantly between waterings then add water to the substrate rather than spraying as I find this distresses the spider. My C. cyaneopubescens is also in a stewart box at the same temperature with a wet end to the box, but tends to stay towards the hot dry end at the minute & I've just noticed tonight it has molted perfectly well in this drier section.

          Hope this helps,

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          What is understood does not need to be discussed!


          • #6
            Thankyou Mike Thats great! Im really looking forward to getting them.


            • #7
              Owning specimens of both those species, i can say you won't be disappointed. They are an excellent step up species after the "bordom" of a chile rose. The genic you'll see out pretty much all of the time, and they eat everything. Mine only goes inside when her tank is being watered, and then she'd back out within an hour. The GBB's spin an awful lot of web, but are quite active too, and very pretty to match. They also have good appetites on them.
              And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.


              • #8
                Those are two species I'm planning to add to the collection too.

                I must also be lucky with my female chile rose, as she's very active. She's always prowling about her tank, probably looking for more food the bloater

                My Collection:


                • #9

                  Thanks for the info Neil Its good that you're going to be getting the same species Phil, we'll have to share pics when we get them

