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Ok...I need one more...Any suggestions..???

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  • Ok...I need one more...Any suggestions..???

    I work from home so i got plenty of time...

    I got a Brachypelma smithi adult Grammostola rosea and a sub-adult Pterinochilus murinus...

    I've got space for one more...

    Something reasonable in price, juvenile or sub-adult. Active with strong colour or markings...Something that will fit nicely into 12x12x12 Exo Terra...

    Any suggestions...?

    Thanks...You guys are brilliant...


  • #2
    Mmmm I reckon a green bottle blue would fit those requirements seing as a 12 by 12 by 12 might be a little small for arborials or a genic or of course there are other bracys that would also work. I also found my first blue fang seemed comfy being kept terrisrially as long as its got a good hide or enough substrate to dig in along the same lines as bracys.
    My currant one is living in a plant pot that was covered and almost filled with substrate. How I set this up was get tank put very small layer of substrate in, put plant pot in at a 45 degree angle and fill substrate in, around and over the pot. Then fill the pot with substrate leaving a gap of bout 2 to 3 inchs from the top rim of the pot, in the gap make a hole at the back that is smaller and goes down into the substrate in the pot slightly. then just add the blue fang after a few days it will start to excuvate the substrate in the pot and web soil around the pot so it has a burrow it is happy with, your often see it sittig at the edge of its burrow looking for food etc.


    • #3

      How about a Tiger Rump...???

      The Green Bottle Blue looks good tho'...(So many choices... )

      I think you were right when you said Terrestrial...they seem a bit easier to keep...

      The Exo-Terra's will need misting on a daily basis for high humidity lovers..and they will hold at about 30-40% with just the water bowl...

      Whats everyones thoughts on the 12x12x12 Exo-Terras...The ones with the lockable glass doors and mesh lid...'cos im having an antique pine cabinet specially made to fit four 12x12x12 in...( im lucky i live two doors from the local Pine furniture maker ..and its gonna look kinda like a bookcase with so the tanks are just under eye level..)

      Anyway Sarah..Thanks for your help...



      • #4
        Mmmmm seing as I think tiger rumps are arborial I am not to sure how well they would do in that tank set up. I could be wrong on them being arborial though so its worth checking into. From the sound of it the tank set up you have would very much favor a Green botle blue as they like it dry, mine only get misted ocasionally but there is always a water bowl avalible for them to use. They are also good eaters and are not fussy at all in what they will take. Hope all that has been of some help to you and I am sure what ever you decide will keep you happy.


        • #5
          Nope seems I was wrong here is a good care sheet for the tiger and the green botle blue.

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          Claranet, one of Europe’s leading managed IT services providers – acquired FreeUK, an ADSL broadband provider. As part of the acquisition we have now decommissioned the FreeUK website and all FreeUK customers will now be supported by the Claranet SOHO division who specialise in providing IT services for small businesses and home users, backed by a specialist UK support team offering a personal service 7days a week. There are no changes to your current services, please see below the contact details for FreeUK account holders.


          • #6

            At least me and you are keping this board ticking over...



            • #7
              So, if I could help, look here for Chromo care sheet:
              All the best,
              Mikhail from Russia

              Welcome to:


              • #8
                Personally I would go for something a bit more interesting. Asian pehaps.

                Haplopelma lividum ( Cobalt Blue) or Cyriopagapus.

                A deep substrate will allow them to burrow and the web they produce is phenomenal. They are a bit lively but worth the effort. An adult cobalt is a sight indeed.

                Hope you can get to the exhibition as we will be more than happy to offer advice on the day.

                Ray Hale
                British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                • #9
                  As russians said "there're no friends for color and taste"....
                  That's, Ray, I'm talking about which one tarantula can be possibly interesting for different people, which one not.
                  All the best,
                  Mikhail from Russia

                  Welcome to:

