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Arboreal Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

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  • Arboreal Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

    Just recieved my C. cyaneopubescens today- shes absolutely gorgeous!!!!

    Thing is- The only viv I had to spare that was well-ventilated (I know this species likes it *dry) was a 12" by 12" by 18" Exo Terra viv. Needless to say, I had placed it in an arboreal viv for what I thought was going to be the time being. Reason being is that all of my other vivs get far too humid when heated up due to lack of ventilation. The Exo Terra seemed like the best choice because of the side doors and mesh screen top.

    I placed the GBB into the viv, and over many hours (from morning to night), she has explored the entire viv from top to bottom and is now favouring to stay between half-way up the viv and the top of the viv. I am aware that this species has been described as "semi-arboreal", and this particular seems to have made her mind up between the two, she's stayed at the very top of the vivarium for what is now 4 hours. Might it be okay to continue keeping her in this vivarium?

    Opinions please?


  • #2
    Depending on her age / legspan and the substrate condition ( moist, wet, bone dry ) she will be prone to being arboral for a while till she settles down but idealy these need more leg room and a nice hide and plenty of things to web from as they are substantial webbers. So changing her to a terrestrial tank would be better for her if she is 3 or 4 inch leg span plus. Even as adults they will climb but for safety reasons it better if they dont have far to fall as though they are good climbers they are not quite as good as true arborials. Hope this helps you and you really enjoy her they are a great Taratula.

