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  • pain

    Do t's feel pain ???

  • #2
    No because in a tarantulas brain/ganglion there is no receptor to feel pain stimuli.

    Click this thread on another board to learn a hell lot more about this than I can say about it.


    • #3
      cheers for the reply


      • #4
        Do tarantulas feel pain?

        Good heavens! I don't agree at all with you Chris. They have a central nervous system for heaven's sake. What would be the point of that if it were not to 'feel' pain etc? I have never had a ganglion (!) so I don't KNOW from experience what it is like in terms of feeling pain, but I reckon if you cut a spider or pinch it's leg etc it will react pretty quickly. True, it may be a defensive reaction but it has to feel pain. What animal alive is impervious to pain? Surely none. Reading the Biology of Spiders, by Foelix he says that the ganglion receives information from the eight eyes, which are in turn fed by optic nerves. If you cut a spider through an optic nerve, surely it would feel pain?

        Hey Chris, you have me going for sure you devil! I cannot believe that spiders feel NO pain.



        • #5
          No animal doesn't feel pain, apart from me, who is omnipodent


          • #6
            Like I said Carl I think you would have to click that link and read the entire thread to understand why my belief it what it is.
            From what I can gather, it mostly boils down to to number of neurons in its body.

            to say what I mean and understand it I will have to quote this part of the thread.

            If you take out all the parts of the invertebrate nervous system that haven't been elucidated you most certainly do not have anything that would allow the sort of limited awareness necessary for experiencing pain. This isn't it a limitation on science's part, it's a limitation of parts. You might was well be arguing that tarantulas might be able to fly as experience pain as anything more than a stimulus-response.
            Sure I know it is hard to get you head around it and to be honest I'm still trying to get my head around a lot of what was said in that thread, as to me too it sounds really strange.

            Now this might be a really strange kind of comparason but I liken it to the time I snaped my finger in half (I think you know what I mean? ).
            At the time of this incerdent I really did feel no pain! Why ? when I also have a central nervous system. Looking at the accident at the time I did wonder why in the hell is it not hurting? Well the reason is that I was told, was because the nerves had been severd so the pain signals could not reach the part of the brain that receieves them. So lucky for me no pain was endured.
            Now if your brain or what ever you have for a brain in an inverts case has no part in it that can recieve signals for a pain responce than I guess they are not going to feel pain.
            Like I say though, it is hard enough for me to understand all this let alone try and explain it in my own words (as you can most likely guess from my rather poor example) which is why I posted the link.
            All the best

