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  • Newbie

    Hello all
    I am new to the forum and am looking to get a mexican red knee tarantula. I had one when i was alot younger, unfortunately my dad prodded it when it was shedding her skin while I was on holiday and she died.
    Anyway have been looking at the spidershop at the starter kits for housing, are these the best ones to get?
    Also when we had our one years and years ago we bought it from a family friend who only fed it on insects like woodlice from the garden, we never bought live food.
    So on the search now for housing and a spider, not a spiderling to please my 7 year old much to the dismay of my other half who is convinced its gonna climb up the glass and escape....
    Look forward to hearing from you all


  • #2
    HI Again
    Was wondering if there was anyone in the northants area who would be willing to share some advice and allow a viewing?
    Hope its ok to ask this.
    Thanks again


    • #3

      The starter kits at the spider shop are perfect for anyone wanting to buy a single Tarantula (though be warned after you've got one you'll want another and another and another......) so yes you should get on fine with a starter kit. I wouldn't recommend feeding a Tarantula any insects from a garden like woodlice since you don't know what chemicals (pesticides, slug pellets, weedkiller etc) that its come into contact with.


      • #4 is a great place to get your first T from. Lee, who runs the shop knows his stuff, if you have any problems i dont think he'll mind you emailing him.

        Originally posted by charlene
        HI Again
        Was wondering if there was anyone in the northants area who would be willing to share some advice and allow a viewing?
        Hope its ok to ask this.
        Thanks again
        If you can wait till April, the AES midlands show takes place in Kettering. You can see all sorts of spiders there, and get advice too.

        We're in leicestershire if you can travel up.
        And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.


        • #5
          Hi Neil
          Thanks for that. What t's do you have?

          The reason I asked for a viewing is because I want my son son to realise the size of these and also the fact they are not toys.
          Also my other half is not keen and I thought it would be good for him to get a look and some knowledge from an owner.



          • #6
            Got about 50, you dont want me to list them all

            Ranges from about 4mm yamia spiderlings, to a 7.5" a.geniculata female monster thingy

            Better plug my site too..

   only a small selection of the pics i have

            Also, has pictures of most of my species (better that my other gallery i think)
            And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.


            • #7
              Blimey, I am in awe!!!! And I am excited about getting

              Will be in touch....



              • #8
                Charlene Neil and I would be glad to let you, your partner and son come and see our collection and will do our best to awnser any questions any of you might have.


                • #9
                  Hi Charlene, I am in Milton Keynes, you would be more than welcome to come and see my lot too, e mail me on and arrange it if you wish, I am at home all of the coming week.

                  PS we have a couple of hundred.
                  spider woman at Wilkinsons

