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The British Tarantula Society Annual General Meeting

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  • The British Tarantula Society Annual General Meeting

    The British Tarantula Society Annual General Meeting
    St Paul’s Church, Bracknell
    SATURDAY 2nd September 2006 at 3.00pm

    Yes it’s that time of the year again! The AGM is nearly upon us. In the past this has been poorly attended by the membership, shame on you all! Let’s make the 2006 AGM a bit different and have some members turn up. OK granted the usual suspects will be there all 3 of them.

    The AGM is your chance to put questions to the Committee and have an input in the future of the BTS and ask those all important questions.

    The AGM starts at 3.00pm and will finish at 5.00pm

    Some one will be on the door to greet you and to show you too the meeting room. Please contact either myself or Angela Hale to let us know you plan to attend.

    Mark Pennell

    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    Can directions or a map be posted on the site please?

    Ill be there



    • #3
      directions and map

      St. Pauls Shared Church
      Harmans Water
      Bracknell, Berkshire
      United Kingdom
      RG12 9LP


      Serious Ink tattoo studio -
      Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


      • #4
        Another BTS AGM comes and goes. The BTS would like to give a special thanks and appreciation to the members that turned up to take part in the AGM

        Lee Ardern
        Stephen Copley
        Tony Ainsworth
        Andy Fisher
        Ray Gabriel
        Andy Matthews

        BTS Committee prepare to open the meeting.

        The members listen to the opening adress by Andrew Smith (Chairman)

        Coffee break Ray Gabreil, Martin Nicholas, Richard Gallon

        Cheers all your participation was appreciated and welcomed


        Edited 03/09/06: I have edited this post as I feel comments made by Dave Gunter below have lead me to believe that the original post I made could be easiley mis inturpeted. The original posts can been seen in qoutes and comments below.

        Apologies for any offence caused it was not meant nor warrented.

        Second edit: 04/09/06: Dave had requested that his comments were removed and I have done so, however there were a few replys that then looked out of context. So I have removed them too. I personally thank those who responded and will email you all today.

        Serious Ink tattoo studio -
        Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          Those pics have been photoshoped.

          I know this i am not that large around the waste

          Thanks to my fellow members who turned up making this the world record for attendies at the BTS AGM.

          My sides are still splitting over some of the remarks and comments made.

          Going to the pub afterwards was a good idea and the curry a better one

          Same again next year chaps


          "In twenty years I have never been rude, offensive or sarcastic to any member."

          Unless its me

          Ray G

