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    bit of a question about using heat matt's..few of my T's are housed in those 12x12x12 exo-terra viv's and if you've seen them they come with a polystyrine rock effect inside. decided to put heat matt's at the back of the viv's because the room temp is only averaging 21-22 deg.
    so a couple of questions...
    first is.. if i put the small 7w matt between the glass and the polystyrine rock backing do you think the heat will give of any harmfull fumes over time..
    second.. would you put small (say 7w) in each of the viv's with thermostat, or place 3viv's side by side and have one long matt covering all 3 controlled by one stat making sure the 3 T's are all around that set temp...

    your input and ideas of your set up's with heat matt's would be well apprecated..i'd rather not use matt's at all but i think 21deg. is too cool

  • #2
    Hi Russ,

    Wouldn't recommend placing the heatmat behind the background as you are effectively insulating it from both sides. Virtually zero heat will be transmitted into the viv and you also run the risk of overheating the mat.

    I use these tanks and have always found it best to place the heatmats on the outer-side. You may also consider removing the background and placing the heatmat on the outer-rear. It is possible to use one large heatmat folded over a thick piece of polystyrene and then placed inbtween two tanks (does this make sense? can email pictures if required).

    Another point I feel worth mentioning is that a thermostat should be used, especially this time of year.

    Hope this helps.

    Arachnophiles & Forum!


    • #3
      hi adam
      yeah i can picture what you mean, good idea to fold it in half then you get the thinkness to allow for the gap the top and bottom lip's create..
      do you keep all your T's in these style of viv's when adult..



      • #4
        I agree, although I dont use heat mats anymore. ( I heat the room with a Dragon Oil Filled Radiator. This is Ok for large collections but when you have a few spiders its better to use mats) Place the mats behind the tanks, not inside. I would consider removing the poly backing as this will hinder heat transfer through the glass. I would definitly recomend the use of a thermostat as this weather can be a killer if the spiders overheat.

        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


        • #5
          Originally posted by RUSS DEAN
          do you keep all your T's in these style of viv's when adult..
          Only where space and finances permit
          Arachnophiles & Forum!


          • #6
            hi ray
            yeah i'm gonna go buy the stats at weekend and put the T's with same temp's side by side and just mist according to what the hygo say's..
            bought 3 more T's yesterday juv- striped knee, adult- salmon pinkB/eater... and sub adult- pink toe.. i sould stop really but i just cant help it.. and that b/eater is really nice had my eye on her for bout 3 weeks and then thort stuff it...
            ray are those oil filled expensive to run compaired to matt's and stat's


            • #7
              adam walters wrote
              Only where space and finances permit
              how many T's have you got ?


              oh and it's just took me 15mins to figure out these quote thingies...i'm no good with forum's...prob take me 3 day's to put these pic's on when i borro a camera.


              • #8
                The initial outlay is quite expensive, around £150. But I find it invaluable has it has a thermostat on it . Its a Delongi Dragon II. Cost wise its quite good as in this weather its not on but should the temp drop it kicks in.

                We have it set at 21 degrees and the temp in the room fluctualtes between 23-25. It is set low and comes on and off during the day or night whenever the temp drops. I keep all my Asian critters on the higer shelves and the South American ( Angelas spiders) on the bottom shelves. It works for me.

                I bought if from Homebase a couple of years ago. I think they still sell them.

                I did use heat mats but when my collection expanded I found I needed more and more mats and stats. In the end I had around thirty mats and stats. Now that was expensive and to be honest I never felt safe leaving them.

                I wouldnt use a blower type greenhouse heater as these dry the air and dry out the tanks very quickly.

                Hope this helps
                British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

                The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
                [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


                • #9
                  yeah i know which you mean, the problem i have at the moment is there all in our bedroom other 2 room have kid's in them, for now mat's are prob best (i only have 8 T's anyway)
                  and a few can be put side by side like adam explained.. i have got a large garage 30ftx20ft i have already got a room build thats 10ftx15ft which i had as a darkroom fully insulated, water, electric, ect.. that would prob be ideal but it's in the garage and i really would prefere them in side the house..suppose it has its + and - sides to being in garage, prob cheaper to heat..but its nice to sit in bedroom and watch my spiders..
                  when my collection grow's i'll have to se what happens



                  • #10
                    yhe i think tha might be what limits me with my t's mats and stats but when i get a big enough collection mebys i might get a dragon oil heater also
                    G.Rosea (RCF)

