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Great shame and loss to conservation and wildlife.

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  • Great shame and loss to conservation and wildlife.

    I'm in shock, disbelief and very saddned but the sudden news of the death of Steve Irwin a huge idol in my life who really looked up to. His crazy antics may have very well involved handling the venomous and aggressive reptiles of the world but he had no fear in handling spiders including T Blondi and red backs.
    Australia's famous television star and environmentalist Steve Irwin was killed in an accident in far north of Australia's state of Queensland Monday.

    The tragedy happened when he was stung through the heart by a stingray while diving off Port Douglas in order to film a documentary, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio reported.

    A helicopter arrived with paramedics on board to try to resuscitate the 44-year-old, but it was too late.
    His death to me is very unexpected and a stingray was the last thing I would have thought would get him.

  • #2
    Yes a real shock and a great loss indeed. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends.

    His programs were unique and entertaining and I enjoyed watching them.


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    • #3
      A man who i had a great deal of admiration for.

      A lot of people reconed he was reckless, even stupid for the things he used to do, i'd disagree with that, he was very knowlegable about the creatures he interacted with and always took great care in what he did.

      The real tragedy here is that this was a complete out of the blue accident, he mearly swam over the fish and it attacked him, the report i saw claimed that he would've died instantly.


      • #4
        I agree with what you say Dave he wasnt silly for what he did he just knew the animals he dealt with. Me and my girlfriend were just saying that if anything happened a sting ray would have been the last thing to take the big guy out. great respect to the man as he did so much for the conservation and wildlife of Australia and many other countries.


        • #5
          A great great man. I grow up watching his shows and and he was one of the people who got me intrested in Snakes and spiders.

          A real great man. My thoughts go out to he family.


          • #6
            yhe i thought a crock or a snake wudda killed him but i rekoned it would be summit to do with animals
            G.Rosea (RCF)


            • #7
              No no no, a croc or snkae would have never taken him out he knew them too well and knew what he was doing, this was jsut a freak accident that is very rare but unfortunate to happen to who is as I see the best in his field.


              • #8
                This is an immense shame to the conservationist world.I still feel like I'm grieving. If one more person tries to tell me a Joke about this tragic event i might not be responsible for my actions.

                My thoughts go out to his family,

                R.I.P Steve Irwin you will be sorely missed.
                We are judged not by our words but by our actions.


                • #9
                  Yes the immidiate jokes o the net so soon after his death is terrible.


                  • #10
                    I agree with you both, these sick jokes are not necessary


                    • #11
                      He was not only an entertainer, but an ambassador for the exotic animals hobby in general.
                      Im only 17, I grew up watching him, and he has been a massive inspiration, I cant believe hes gone!

                      R.I.P Steve, and thanks for the inspiration!
                      Hope you enjoy chilling with crocs in a big sea of white!


                      • #12
                        for a long time now I have watched his programs and was shocked at his sudden death he has done alot for conservation and will be sorely missed R.I.P
                        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

