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Ts and captivity

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  • Ts and captivity

    I have been reading a little bit on how people are calling for a ban on exotic pets, I dont know if Ts are in this catergory, well I know there exotic but they were saying how it is cruel on the animal because you can never keep them like they would be in there natural habitat. But with Ts you can keep them very close to how they would live as they dont travel far and they dont really understand they are in a tank as long as you look after them correctly I do not see a problem the only problem I could see is if they are being taken from the wild when there are not many left if they are bred in captivity then there is no problem in my opinion whats your views on this
    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

  • #2
    I agree that in some case's exotic pets are keep cuely but like you say most tarantula's can be keep very close to there natural habitat.
    I think that this rule that they are trying to bring in mainly is ment for the people who keep very large snakes and large lizards that they end up being unable to look after these animals Properly ( for example some of the large boas and Iguanas ) this is mainly because most of these animals are sold at very small ages, resulting in peploe coming into a pet shop and buying one, only not reliseing what they are taking on.

    I think that there shold be more stricter rules on who can come in and buy these pets ( large boas and Iguanas ) but i dont know how these would be Enforced


    • #3
      yes agreed I noticed in the shop yesterday they had some rainbow boas that were about a foot long and my freind has 2 that are 7 foot long and that made me think about who would be prepared to take on a snake with that much commitment, before I buy any pet I used to read books but now the net is an invaluble source of info I think that everyone should find out all they can before buying a pet especially a exotic one
      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


      • #4
        yes agreed.

        The net is such a invaluble source of info, if it was not there i dont know where i would get most of my info. ye most people dont reserch the pet before buying, this is always a big shame for the pet. and puts a bad name on the people who do keep the pets the way they should be keep!



        • #5

          maybe a bit off topic for a tarantula forum but ....

          "I think that there shold be more stricter rules on who can come in and buy these pets ( large boas and Iguanas ) but i dont know how these would be Enforced Confused"

          I think that for certain animals there should to be a licensing systems in order to own any off these animals you would need a license, to get a license you would need to pass a little exam on the care of such pets. (it would also be the resposiblilty of the person who sells the animal to check whether the buyer has a license)
          Herbs and arachnids could then be split in two groups, those which are easier to keep and for which more knowledge is general available, and those whose requirements are more specific or might be dangerous.


          • #6
            It wouldnt surprise me if people are trying to get a ban on keeping exotic pets cos they nothing better to do. Cant keep them as they would be in natural habitat if they are captive bred they are rared in setups they wouldntsurive in the wild and as far as them not been cared for rightly, ok there maybe a couple bad apples who mistreat reptiles but there are far far more people who mistreat dogs and cats on dail basis and cause more harm to them but no ones trying get a ban on dogs and cats. Lets face it a mistreated dog becomes violent and attacks an innocent. Slightly off topico TS but a ban on exotics would be silly and Ts would more than likely be in the category.


            • #7
              the term Exotic in real terms means "anything not native",

              So goodby Hammy the Hamster, Gerry the Gerbil. Goldie the goldfish, rodger the rabbit, hector the horse (Britian has only native ponies), Dougal the Dog (Uk only native canine is the Wolf), and Catty the cat (only native moggy is the Scottish wild cat).

              And as for all the tropical fish, Birds etc then good bye to them.

              These people are the same people who reap thier millions from keepers of most of the above so will soon realise they are cutting thier own throats (i wish), so unlikely to evertake affect.

              Not only that Inverts can not really be covered .............just look at what you can find in your garden.

              Just my views


