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B. smithi molt

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  • B. smithi molt

    Hey guys, I'm back. Haven't visited this forum in a while.

    Well, my B. smithi Cora molted yesterday. The molt took around eight hours and I was anxious the whole time. She casted off her old skin and now has a fresh, beautiful new one. I'll try to upload some images, but unfortunately it seems my internet connection has gone haywire and I cannot access some servers - particularly on imageshack or photobucket - to upload any images from my digital camera. Everything in the molt went brilliantly except for one problem - I think she is a he!

    There are no visible tibia hooks or club-like pedipalps (at least not from my angle of view), but close inspection of the exuvium reveals a shocking truth - I see no visible spermathacae between the upper booklungs. All I see is a fold with a small white dot in between the upper booklungs along the fold that looks nothing like the spermathacae of the female B. smithi shown on Arachnoboards. On the other side of the epigastric furrow on the exuvium, which would otherwise been on the underbelly of the spider, I do see a sort of opening between the booklungs but it's not really lip shaped supposedly like that of females, it just runs along the furrow and it has a small dot in the centre. Once the connection to the servers of photobucket have been reestablished, I will upload some images of the epigastric furrow - both inside and outside the exuvium and then head over to the sexing forums of Arachnoboards and see if they can shed any light on the matter. If it is confirmed to be a male, then although I have grown attached to this spider, I have decided that the most rational thing to do would to sell it and buy another spider or trade it for a female. The spider has grown to be somewhere between four or five inches - I don't know for sure - but I know if it is a male, then he must be approaching his ultimate moult within a few years or less, and before he dies he will be probably too firsky to make a good pet anyway.

    I have had the spider for over eighteen months now, and had it ever since it had a legspan of just three inches. I bought it at that size as a female for £60. It was the first spider I owned in this hobby, and I wanted a female B. smithi because they make good long-lived pets. After eighteen months of thinking it was a female I don't know what to do, though like I said, selling it or trading it will probably be the most rational thing to do since I paid for - and expected - a female. The spider has molted in my care before, but the exuvium was ruined and too distorted to draw any conclusion from it.

  • #2
    You can upload pics directly to the forum now, just look for the 'manage attachments' button when posting a message.

    Once we get a look at the pics, we may be able to confirm your thoughts...


    • #3
      Here's some of the pics. Hope these are clear enough, if not, I'll have to borrow the better digital camera from my mother. Your help is greatly appreciated.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Not clear enough I'm afraid.


        • #5
          Gah. This is a problem. It's hard to get a good picture without it blurring, even with the more powerful digital camera. I tried resting the camera on top of some books to stop it shaking, but that failed miserably. I'll try again soon.

          EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. I'm uploading the images to photobucket.
          Last edited by Chris R. Jones (Sirunus); 08-11-06, 06:23 PM. Reason: Images no longer blurred.


          • #6
            Okay, here they are. The files are too large to be uploaded as attachments:

            Sorry about the bump and the double post.
            Last edited by Chris R. Jones (Sirunus); 08-11-06, 07:27 PM. Reason: Apology for bump


            • #7
              That's better. IMO it does look like a male.
              Although dissapointing (as you wanted a female), your best bet is to either sell the male as a sub-adult for future breeding or wait until it matures and loan it out for breeding. Unfortunately B. smithi are quite easy to get hold of at the moment so don't expect to receive money much if you decide to sell. I imagine you don't want 50% of an eggsac if the breeding loan is successful? As it could be some time before it matures, why not try and find a mature female to buy and then attempt breeding yourself when the time comes?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sirunus View Post
                Gah. This is a problem. It's hard to get a good picture without it blurring, even with the more powerful digital camera. I tried resting the camera on top of some books to stop it shaking, but that failed miserably. I'll try again soon.
                Try getting a magnifying glass or loupe and holding that in front of the lens, it will allow you to focus much closer.
                My Collection: - Spiders are everywhere, so live with it
                Ray Gabriel


                • #9
                  I have little doubt that the Smithi is a male. We'll see what the people on Arachnoboards say, but although I love my Smithi, I think I the most rational thing to do will be to as you suggested, Guy. I'd love to buy him a mate, and I suppose I can always shove him back to where I previously kept him to make room for the real Cora. Christmas is approaching, and I suppose I could ask for a female Smithi as a present. Otherwise I should sell him. I'd be sad to see him go, but I'll use the money to buy a new T.


                  • #10
                    a useful page

                    Just been thinking that this little page I found might be useful to others who need to sex their ?Ts:


                    and also:
                    Last edited by Larry Shone; 08-11-06, 11:00 PM.
                    My Collection: - Spiders are everywhere, so live with it
                    Ray Gabriel


                    • #11
                      my B.Smithi moulted two days ago shes tiny her first bit of colour is just starting to show through I can hardly wait until shes as big as yours
                      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


                      • #12
                        Well, I think it's pretty much established that this is a male. I contacted the sellers that sold it to me as a female ( about the issue and I am awaiting their reply. How much do male B. smithis cost anyway? I decided to try and find him a female. Does anybody know any good sites or petstores in Bristol that sell T's? The only petstore I know of that sells T's near Bristol is Cadbury Garden Centre.

