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Cricket Picking

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  • Cricket Picking

    I bought my sister some spiderlings a while ago - but she hates picking up the crickets.

    I'm sure I've seen some cricket pickers on the internet which means you don't need to touch them....?

    Anyone recommend anywhere?

    Kind Regards,

    Check out these Spiderling Blogs



  • #2
    They're called tweezers.

    I'm not sure what else you mean, other than a 'kricket keeper' or one of those trap-on-a-stick things. Both of which sound like more of a hassle for tarantula keepers than herptile keepers.


    • #3
      Try one of these. I keep mine in one and apart from washing it out every fortnight to change the batch, you don't have to touch anything unsavoury!

      I just use a little pot and lid to decant a single cricket, before dropping into the spiders tank as you have to bang the tubes quite hard to get them out and doing it over the tank freaks the T out!


      • #4
        Raaa a Cricket Keeper

        I think that's the one I saw. Excellent. My sister's going to be well happy with that. It was either get something that she could pick the crickets up with or get rid of the Curly Hair and Chilean Rose I bought her....!

        Thanks for the link!

        If anyone else has got other suggestions - it'd be much appreciated if you post them.



        • #5
          This is a cheap and cheerful option but works for me!! Just put a toilet roll in with the crickets and they hide in it. When I want to take some out I just pick out the toilet roll and tap it into my T's tank and they drop out. There are always some hiding in there and usually with each tap only one falls out so can get the right amount out or shake some out before you put in the T's tank!. Obviously if your sister hates putting her hand in with the crickets at all, this will not work!! Hope your sister finds a solution! Good Luck!


          • #6
            i use the top of a plastic water bottle and a small plastic jar (with lid).
            the top of the water bottle i place upside down in the plastic jar so that it acts as a funnle. the open the lid of the cricket box a bit in one corner and shake some crikets in to the funnel and they fall in to the jar. Then i just empty the jar in to the spider tanks. Works well especially for small crickets.


            • #7
              A wonderful invention!

              I would recommend a Lee's Cricket Keeper (Can be bought in the UK from

              I bought a large one to house my crickets in for my chameleon and they come with tubes that the crickets clim up into which can then be dusted and carried to the tank - you then just shake out what you need!!
              My friend is ordering one for feeding her Beardy as she is a wimp when it comes to handling the 'bugs' as she calls them!

              They're also geed for keeping a couple of tubs worth alive for long enough to get your money's worth with feeding them. This is the problem sometimes that by the time your spider (Or whatever you feed them to) has worked their way through the tub, most of them have died.

              (Whenever my friend buys a new supply and has to transfer them from the tub to the cricket keeper, guess who does it!? Yes, me!)


              • #8
                Dunno what everyone else does with dead crickets, but our wild birds love them
                spider woman at Wilkinsons


                • #9
                  thats a great idea mary, mine usually just go in the bin,

                  out for the birds from now on then.!!!

                  (the birds say thank you mary)

                  with regard to picking up crix, i dont usually use them,
                  i hate them too and dont like being touched by one, yuk
                  but i just use a 69p tweesers and grab them by the legs and them drop
                  them into the Spider, simple.
                  i like using locusts much better, they are easier to handle, touch and they dont have
                  the creepy factor that crix have.
                  Last edited by Dee Pluck; 10-03-07, 04:38 PM.
                  'A Woman's Prayer:
                  Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death'


                  I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning thats as good as their going to feel all day.

