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A. Geniculata

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  • #31
    And I've just ordered a Cyclosternum fasciatum!!!!


    • #32
      I'm trying to get some pics on the site but they won't upload - think they're too big!!
      Try using Thats who I use.


      • #33
        Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
        And I've just ordered a Cyclosternum fasciatum!!!!

        So it's not just me then! lmao!


        • #34
          Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
          Try using Thats who I use.

          Just done it! Awesome, thanks for that!! have just stuck them on the pix section...



          • #35
            My A, geniculata just arrived today along with the T, blondi juv and the L, parahybana juv.

            That little A, geniculata can't half move though!! Little fella went like stink when trying to get him to leave his tissue barrier!!

            When I offered him food shortly after the little swine was nearly out again! Will have to watch that 'un!! (another character to contend with!)

            The L, parahybana is beautiful! Gorgeous velvetty covering, both that and the scruffier but handsome T, blondi gave me a bit of a scare too though in that they also were a bit skittish and i thought I was gonna lose them in transferring from their carriage pot to their new home.

            All in and settling, all have eaten now quite happily so I'm pleased with the new arrivals!

            What sort of growth rate should I expect from these species?


            • #36
              Three nice species to have, and watch grow !!
              In my experience (with feeding them on a lavish feeding regimen) the geni will grow quite steadily and become more and more impressive in the colouration.

              The blondi i'll leave to someone else as i've never kept that species.

              The Para will eat like a horse and probably grow to the size of a small dog in about 4-6 years. as i've just said in another thread i read on the internet someone describing the feeding variety for a para he said along the lines of "eats crickets, locusts, insects etc....the kitchen sink....your mother in law!!!", will soon find is true !!!
              You can read it here there's a very nice photo of a para from rhys brigida too.


              • #37
                Thanks Colin

                I have had a little browse of the thread you mention and did have a chuckle at your mention of feed stuffs! Gorgeous pic from Rhys too, that lovely girl who knows her way around a laptop!

                I have asked the question of feeding slings/juveniles a couple of times but is it possible to over feed a tarantula? I tend to try and stuff them full of food but is this a bad thing?


                • #38
                  I think a lot of fellow T keepers will have differing opinions about over feeding..all i can say is that in my opinion (37 years of keeping them) tarantulas will only feed up to the point that they are not hungry anymore and will just stop untill they feel the need again. I've always feed my animals as if they were in their natural habitat (let the snake find the defrost mouse...let the spider search for food etc etc) and have had no problems so far.


                  • #39
                    Yeah, i had a feeling that was the case, I have found a similar regime has worked for me in the past.

                    I will stick with what I am doing for now then, thanks


                    • #40
                      I can't speak for the l. parahybana or the t. blondi, but the genic is a pretty fast grower. I know parahybanas are supposed to grow even faster.

                      I got my genic last May, and since then it has grown from 1" to 3" on a diet of 2-3 crickets per week. You will find the coloration even more beautiful after each molt.


                      • #41
                        Goodie! Looking forward to it! It's about 1cm now, how often do they tend to moult?


                        • #42
                          The molts space farther apart as they get larger. At that size, I should think no more than a month.

