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2008 Lecture news

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  • 2008 Lecture news

    Venue: Aztec Hotel and Spa, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol
    Cotswold Suite

    Date: 23rd February 2008
    Ticket price (per person): Lecture and Dinner £
    Lectures only £20.00
    Dinner only £TBA
    Time: 12.45pm (arrive 12.30pm for registration)
    Lectures to start: 1.00 pm
    Lectures to finish: 5.45 pm approx
    Dining room Bar: till dinner starts
    Dinner to start: 7.15 pm
    Lecturers; Times approx and subject to change
    1.00pm: Opening Ice breaker Ray Hale BTS
    1.30pm: Jennifer Dobson from Liverpool Museum will be giving a lecture based on "life history of the solifugid in captivity" Jenny was unable to make the 2007 event due to illness but is returning in 2008.

    2.15pm: Paul Carpenter - Home Sweet Home, a photographic review of tarantulas in their homes from around the world.

    3.15pm: Break for Tea, Coffee and cakes.

    3.45pm: Boris Striffler - Australian Funnel web spiders
    4.30pm: Fernando Perez-Miles

    5.45pm: Lectures finish.

    Meet 6.45pm, Dinner at 7.00pm until late (or until you drop).
    In the evening we shall be having a sit down hot fork buffet, if you would like to stay for the dinner, of which I am sure you will, there may well be a few surprises in store.

    After Dinner Talk; Andrew Smith - " Red legged tarantulas of the pacific coast of Mexico"

    Also we have been given a special room rate for overnight stays if anyone is interested cost being:

    £TBA per double room
    £TBA per single room

    This price includes full use of the leisure facilities and breakfast.
    Payment on checkout by yourselves.

    Friday Night Stay Special ~ Dinner, Bed & Breakfast ~ £TBA Double / twin room or £TBA for a single person.

    Friday and Saturday Special ~ The stay for the Saturday night will be reduced to £TBA double and single £TBA, but you must stay the Friday night at the above rates.

    If you wish to stay please can you let me know as soon as possible so I can book a room for you?

    Also if you would like to bring guests who may not necessarily like to come to the lecture but would like to have dinner with us this can also be arranged, the hotel will gladly allow the use of their facilities whilst the lectures are in progress. The cost for this would be £TBA for the dinner only.

    NOTE: The selling of tarantulas is strictly forbidden, you may exchange or swap tarantulas but no monies should exchange. So it’s an ideal place to pass on males etc. The use of video equipment during the lectures will be restricted to official use only. Photographs are permitted within reason.

    The Hotel kindly requests that all tarantulas be in covered containers on arrival and departing the hotel. This is so we don't upset any other guests, who might be arachnophobic!.. Thank you.

    REFUNDS and Cancellations
    Please note that after Jan 1st 2008 refunds will not be possible.

    Friday Night get together, after the great fun we had this year on the Friday night we will be organizing a pre lectures drinks party at the Hotels pub on the Friday night. Those wishing to attend this must let us know when booking. It’s free! But you will have to stay on the Friday night at the hotel.

    Kim & Mark Pennell
    B.T.S. Lectures and Dinner organiser
    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 06-01-08, 10:43 AM.

    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

  • #2
    Already can't wait! I am glad to see that Jenny Dobson has been rebooked for next year. I was very much looking forward to hearing her talk as solifugids prove to be such problematic captives. Of course, I am looking forward to meeting my "cyberfriend" Steve Nunn in the flesh. (BTW, Boris you are a glutton for punishment!)

    I appreciate the optimism of having Andrew speak about the expedition we will undertake later this year (location is classified). I remarked while we were in Costa Rica that if we didn't find one tarantula his after dinner presentation at this past Lectures would have been quite boring! Now we are under the gun to produce during this year's adventure! (I wonder if Andrew will sign up for a Power Point class in the interim. I actually proposed the idea to his wife Liz and he seemed receptive).

    Kind regards, Michael
    Last edited by Michael Jacobi; 05-03-07, 11:28 PM.
    -> Exotic Fauna, The Tarantula Bibliography, ARACHNOCULTURE E-Zine -
    -> The British Tarantula Society -
    -> -


    • #3
      K who do I book up with !!



      • #4
        Originally posted by Michael Jacobi View Post
        (I wonder if Andrew will sign up for a Power Point class in the interim. I actually proposed the idea to his wife Liz and he seemed receptive).
        Micheal - EVERY year I offer to put Andy's lecture onto a Powerpoint presentation for him. All he would have to do is get the slides or prints to me a couple of weeks before the lecture! But has he bothered? Has he *&%*!! Maybe his bad experience this year will give bhim that extra bit of encouragement he needs.......

        Just hope the digital projector doesn't pack in!


        • #5
          so when are we taking payment for this. would like to do 2008 as sadly missed this years one.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BarryL View Post
            so when are we taking payment for this. would like to do 2008 as sadly missed this years one.
            Tickets will go on sell shortly, we are planning a few things to do with payment ideas at the moment.

            But the early sells will be deposits only, we will also be selling tickets at the BTS show in May.

            It truely was a great weekend and to those who missed or could not make it... make sure you don't miss 2008!


            Serious Ink tattoo studio -
            Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


            • #7
              More info click here
              Last edited by Mark Pennell; 22-08-07, 11:50 AM.

              Serious Ink tattoo studio -
              Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
              My Collection: - Support captive breeding


              • #8
                I think myself and Hayley should be there again this year. Plenty of time before I know for sure


                • #9
                  Is there any way the lectures could be recorded? and then a dvd of the event be up for offer to members,


                  • #10
                    ... any way at all...


                    • #11
                      This comes up every year, and to be honest the very first lectures and dinner is all on film, however the lectures are often an hour or more and with 5 in one day its a lot of footage not only to capture and edit but to put onto DVD or download.

                      To be honest they loose a lot of impact on video, the best way would be to just record the sound and then apply this to the power point presentation.

                      I am sure if we did this no one would turn up to the event and just but the CD/DVD etc. Then it would make the whole thing pointless. The idea behind the whole thing is its a social event where like minded can meet have a great meal a few drinks and a good chin wag.

                      Whilst listening to the top people in the field talk all about what we all love - Tarantulas and their related kin.

                      We are flying over Fernando for the 2008 leccy's and its going to be one of the best yet. With five successful years behind us and and every year we strive to improve the day.. a day most will tell you is excellent a real ray of sunshine in the dark winter months.

                      Try and make it fi you can you won't be disappointed.


                      Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                      Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                      My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                      • #12
                        The only reason i ask is because I cannot make it (too many things working against it) and i am really interested in hearing the solifugid presentation.


                        • #13
                          Lecture news!
                          I have just spoken to Andrew Smith and he has informed me that his after dinner lecture will be on the Red Legged Brachypelma's of the Mexican Pacific Coast.

                          This will include some stunning in situ photographs!....

                          One not to be missed!....

                          BOOK NOW! Just a few places left....

                          Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                          Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mark Pennell View Post
                            Lecture news!
                            I have just spoken to Andrew Smith and he has informed me that his after dinner lecture will be on the Red Legged Brachypelma's of the Mexican Pacific Coast.

                            This will include some stunning in situ photographs!....

                            One not to be missed!....

                            BOOK NOW! Just a few places left....

                            OK the lectures are not that far away now 53 days...
                            Don't forget to book, we cannot except bookings on the day this is a ticket only event.

                            Andrew Smith's has just informed me that his trip to Mexico was great success and he will be giving us a great talk after dinner on;

                            "The red legged tarantulas of the Pacific coast of Mexico"

                            There will be some interesting facts revealed during this talk, excellent shots of all the favourite red legged Brachy's in the wild...

                            Will he be able to show us B, baumgarteni in the wild? is this the hybrid some say it is? or is it a unique separate species... you will just have to see!

                            Book today!....

                            Serious Ink tattoo studio -
                            Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
                            My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                            • #15
                              Only a few places left......

                              If are wishing to attend the BTS Lectures February 23rd, please can you let me know by the end of next week. I still have a lot to organise and with only a few weeks to get them done in.

                              For those of you who are coming I would like to thank you for your booking and if you have not paid please can you forward payment asap.

                              Looking forward to seeing you all in Feb

                              Take care


                              Earth Tiger Tour & Tattooing
                              Guided trips to Borneo and beyond
                              Forget the rest travel with the best!

