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Subjects needed for experiment

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  • Subjects needed for experiment

    I’m in the process of planning my final year project that will form the basis of my dissertation for my zoology degree. I‘m planning to look at whether there’s a difference in growth rate between male and female tarantulas, and if there is, how this difference compares to differences caused by environmental temperature and feeding regime. I’d also be interested to see what the ratio of males to females is within a sac.
    For this I’m going to need at least 80 spiderlings from the same sac, of a fast growing species, and preferably first instar. I’m not on the scrounge and I’ll be quite happy to pay for them.
    If anyone can help (or may be able to help in a few weeks time) can you please get in touch.

  • #2
    What are you planning on doing with 80 slings once the experiment is over?
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


    • #3
      I imagine I'd sell them to try and recoup some of the money I spent buying them, and feeding them for 6-9 months.

