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Tank Decoration?

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  • Tank Decoration?

    Hi, I have been looking at a few different tanks that people house their T's in and have noticed a wide difference in the 'in tank decor'. By this i mean some use false plants and pebels etc and some just use a basic ceramic bowl and a plant pot.

    Is the false plants option just for our viewing pleasure or do the T's feel more at home with a slightly more natural set up?

    Sorry if this question seems stupid!

  • #2
    I think the more natural the set up, the better for the T and better for my viewing pleasure, as i've said before the T's i've had have always been quite relaxed and seem to go about their natural business throughout the day and night.
    Opinions vary keeper to keeper though.


    • #3
      my chile rose has webbed all the plastic plant leaves in place and uses it at the entrance of a burrow she has dug, and it looks much better now because it is part of her habitat


      • #4
        No such thing as a stupid question Glen

        As long as the T's content in its enclosure, and most importantly its needs are met, then it doesn't care whether there are some fake plants, pebbles, scale models of the Humber Bridge, fitted carpets, or whatever else in its tank.

        If it's fossorial, it needs to be able to burrow, if it's arboreal, it needs to be able to climb, if it's terrestrial, then give it somewhere to hide.

        Some T's need a combination of any or all of the above. Some hate light, so give them a dark place to hide, a bamboo tube or whatever. Maybe cover the backs of their tanks with bin bags or black cardboard. Some need drier conditions, some need more humid conditions, some need more ventilation, and so on and so forth.

        Seriously guys, they're spiders. Why should they care about bells and whistles in their tanks? Tank decoration is entirely for our pleasure.

        Some people love to decorate their tanks, and there's nothing wrong with that. Others, because of space constraints or whatever, keep their spiders in a more sparse environment which is also fine.

        Meet the needs of the spider and it will be 'happy', but don't kid yourself that tank decoration makes any difference to the spider
        Last edited by Phil Rea; 20-03-07, 10:13 AM.

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