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Care Sheets

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  • Care Sheets

    Anyone have recommendations on the best source for care sheets please?

  • #2
    i get most of mine from here

    i hope this helps
    Reptile Rescue Hull Volunteer,
    Invert Rescue Hull manager,

    A.avicularia, G.rosea, B.smithi, B.albopilosa
    P.murinus, H.lividum, L.parahybana, C.cyaneopubescens


    • #3
      Thanks very very much!


      • #4
        I use this one quite a is a gd one for the commen tarantulas...

        But if you just go on google and type in like ' tarantula care sheets ' loads will come up....its just a case of finding the one you like the best.


        • #5
          I think G.Wrights are good heres the link

          Claranet, one of Europe’s leading managed IT services providers – acquired FreeUK, an ADSL broadband provider. As part of the acquisition we have now decommissioned the FreeUK website and all FreeUK customers will now be supported by the Claranet SOHO division who specialise in providing IT services for small businesses and home users, backed by a specialist UK support team offering a personal service 7days a week. There are no changes to your current services, please see below the contact details for FreeUK account holders.
          The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


          • #6
            All i can say about any care sheets, is read as many as you can and then pick all the common frame of references. There's a whole host of them on the net, some good, some not so good.
            I'll be searching for cars sheets to go on my Inverts section of my website in the future (save wriring them out myself....lazy..) so if you find any good ones, save em for me Johanna ok


            • #7
              Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
              All i can say about any care sheets, is read as many as you can and then pick all the common frame of references. There's a whole host of them on the net, some good, some not so good.
              I'll be searching for cars sheets to go on my Inverts section of my website in the future (save wriring them out myself....lazy..) so if you find any good ones, save em for me Johanna ok

              Will do Colin, will try and find 5 minutes somewhere to sit and trawl!

              Thatnks to everyone for your replies, i know there are a lot of varying recommendations for every species and I would guess that even individual spiders have preferences not necessarily in keeping with what the 'care sheets' tell us so I will keep an open mind. Like you say Colin, best to find a common theme and go with that.


              • #8
                Also thinking about putting a Guest Photoraphers Gallery on there with photo credits to the photographer so if you're interested save some of your best shots.
                I'll let you know when i've sorted it out and you can email 'em to me ok


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
                  Also thinking about putting a Guest Photoraphers Gallery on there with photo credits to the photographer so if you're interested save some of your best shots.
                  I'll let you know when i've sorted it out and you can email 'em to me ok

                  Wow! yeah, cool!

                  Trying to get round to seeing my local glasier for some glass tanks for the T's I have so that i can get some better pics of them.

                  Will be very interested if you set up the gallery!




                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Johanna McMullen View Post
                    Wow! yeah, cool!
                    So thats a yes then


                    • #11
                      Lmao! What gave you that idea?

