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New B schroedero Sling!

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  • New B schroedero Sling!

    I have done it again today, I bought a new B schroederi sling! (thanks Mike)

    Got him home and put him in a pot, and first thing it did was eat!

    Extreamly pleased with this pic, used super macro mode on the camera, so dead pleased with the pic!

    Can'tfind much info about them on the net mind,

    Last edited by Kain Prestwood; 26-03-07, 06:48 PM.

  • #2
    Love this picture Kain.



    • #3
      Kain, great pic!

      I dont know if your interested but there is a photo comp running on another forum i use at which you could enter?

      Sorry if this response is inapropriate guys!


      • #4
        very , very nice picture there .... i have found a topic on another forum , about a guy who as the same spider...and some nice pics to, you could always get in touch with him and talk about care

        But i am pretty sure you can treat it much the same as any other Brachypelma species ( they are normally quite hardy. Though i am sure someone on here will have one of these species and be happy to share some advise.


        • #5
          Never had one (or knew anyone who had one) but you're right it's a lovely looking animal.
          have just trawled the net and, you're right, there's not a lot to be said about them apart from what Dan's just added....treat them as you would any other Brachy genus.


          • #6
            I also have a schroederi sling and it eats like there's no tomorrow. It's like a grape on legs. Beautiful spiders, great pic. What camera do you have?
            Visit our work in progress website here:


            • #7
              Cheers guys.

              The camrea is a Fuji Finepix S500fd and I use super macro mode.



              • #8
                Here's some info for You about this species if interesting.
                See also here:
                and here
                Brachypelma schroederi Rudloff, 2003

                Origin: Mexico
                Adult size: 4-4.5 cm of BL, 10 cm in LS
                Humidity: 60-75%
                Temp: 26-28°С
                Lifestyle: terrestrial/burrowing

                Description: This rare, recently described tarantula from Mexico is very cute and nice species of Brachypelma. It is possibly another one “pet-rock” tarantula in hobby do not showing any sign of aggression and even unwillingly flicks its urticating setae from abdomen.
                It is the smallest representative of the genus but very nice in appearance dressed in the beautiful plain-black clothes.

                This tarantula founds only at the Oaxaca state in southern part of the Mexico. It is very little known about its natural history. Inhabiting dry thorn forest areas it can be founds in burrows or under the large rocks (West, 2005).

                This species must be kept the same as many other popular fossorial Brachypelma species in hobby. You should provide it with capabale sized eclosure. Add some substratum at the bottom and put a shallow water dish. The terrarium is no need to be sprayed and the adults no need for retreat.
                Spiderlings are known to be gluttonous eaters and fast growers. Provide them with a thick layer of slightly humidified substratum for their needs.

                This nice spider is new to the hobby and rarely seen to be sold. Its native country is closed for export - any tarantula from Mexico is prohibited to be seized from the wild (even not a CITES species – but any Brachypelma has included in it) and sells abroad.

                1. WWW
                1. Taxonomic Checklist of CITES listed Spider Species -
                2. - Brachypelma in general with species info
                3. - short care sheet

                2. 2. Literature
                1. RUDLOFF, J.-P. 2003. Eine neue Brachypelma-Art aus Mexiko, Brachypelma schroederi sp. n. (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae). Arthropoda 11(3): 2-15. [p. 2, f. 3-13, 30].
                2. HIJMENSEN, E. 2004. Brachypelma schroederi en Brachypelma verdezi. Tijdschrift van Vogelspinnen Vereniging Nederland 13(42).
                3. WEST, R.C. 2005. The Brachypelma of Mexico. Journal of the British Tarantula Society 20(4): 108-119.
                Hope this helps.
                All the best,
                Mikhail from Russia

                Welcome to:


                • #9
                  Thanks alot for finding that Mikhail.

                  I didn't realise thatit's a relitivly new T for the hobby. I know it it's like a pig though lol!

                  Thanks again mate



                  • #10
                    Nothing for.
                    It's simple, most of the "findings" was wrote by me
                    All the best,
                    Mikhail from Russia

                    Welcome to:

