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Poecilotheria regalis

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  • #16
    99% of all the stuff about pokie bites is SUPERSIZED HYPE, I have been Biten by an adult female P. pedersenni and i was OK considering I am alergic to the venom (all spider venom, and if you dont believe me argue with the doctors who have treated my bites).

    I dont have a problem with bee or wasp stings, and i know some people can have fatal reactions to them.

    I think until you have been biten you wont know so cannot guess what your reactions will be.

    Lesley got bitten by 3 juv regalis in one day and didnt even have a red mark around the bite (and when i say juvs i mean juvs about 4-6cm leg dia.. not slings).

    Pokes are also not that agressive and most will run rather than hold thier ground, P. ornata being the obvious exception who are quite stroppy at times. I know this as i have tried to get pokes to rear up to get "attack" shots and only succeded with mettalica and ornata, the subfusca are to timid to hassle for to long and the rest just are not interested (in my experiance).

    P. formosa and P. miranda I would honestly say are very close to good beginners spiders (unless you are one of those people who think spiders are for handeling) then they will run / be fast.

    Treat you animals with respect and you wont get bitten, get to complacent (thats me) or disrespect them and pay the price (and that is any animal)

    jsut my thoughts



    • #17
      Thats good to read Ray, Im receiving 7 pokies tomorrow, and was a tad concerned on how to deal with them. I suppose being wary will only be a good thing.

      Cheers Mike


      • #18
        Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
        Thats good to read Ray, Im receiving 7 pokies tomorrow, and was a tad concerned on how to deal with them. I suppose being wary will only be a good thing.

        Cheers Mike
        LIke i said treat them with the respect they deserve (but at the same time you are in control, and dont forget that) and you/anyone should be OK.

        I got bitten because i was complacent, got "used" to pokes, but who is to blame ?me or the spider????

        ME, the spider was acting naturally

        OF the 1000snds of pokes i have bred and kept 1 bite was stupid from my fault, but i learned that they are almost just like Avics with the exception of ornata at larger sizes, so be firm but respect them and you/ anyone will be ok with pokes.

        and i dont care what other people on other boards say Pokes do not deserve thier bite reputation, .........unless you are a moron who wants to handle them then it is your own tough



        • #19
          Few days ago I swapped my 2 pokies (P perdensi and P formosa) into bigger enclosures which ment alot of faffing about, as I wanted the bark out of there at the time enclosures, at the same time I put both spiders into spare cricket tubs while I was sorting it all out so they didn't get angry.

          I moved them over the bath in case the did a runner. Having messed about for a few moments moving them etc into the bathroom, not once did they show any sign of being annoyed or defensive. The larger perdensi decided it wanted to have a look around the bathtub and was quite willing to get in the tub, the formosa went into the tub instantly.

          In comparason, my P scorfa has a hissy fit at me when I was trying to put a bigger hide into her enclosure - which was unexpeded.

          Now the question is, which is more volitile? I have had both my P scorfa and my G rosea raise up at me (G rosea was just having a bad day I think lol) but the pokies have never done anything like that.

          I was nervous once with my perdensi, when I was doing tank maintance and it decided to explore my arm, it climbed on my forearm and sat there for about 10 minutes and then moved back into its hide, I swear it was just being nosey.

          My mate who also keeps T's was terrified.

          Pokies - Might have a bad rep, but from what I can see in the short space I have been in this hobby, is that there more predicable than most.

          Ome final note, I am just about to order 2 B smithi and a P regalis from Spidershop, so I will be waiting for the postie tomorrow :P



          • #20
            One thing I've noticed about pokies since I got my 2 (P Regalis + P Peserseni) - They love to be artistic with their excrement...

            Will be rehousing soon, so may have some interesting stories thereafter, but in the mean time all's well
            All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


            • #21
              just treat it with respect and youll be alright, if you were unfortunate to accidently bitten you wouldnt be seriously hurt, different people have different reactions some people have hardly any some people seem to have quite severe reactions.
              The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

