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A avic skinning pics!

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  • A avic skinning pics!

    Well a few moments after I posted that thread, he popped his lid and away he went!

    He got abit stuck towards the end though sadly, he was absolutely knackerd. I used a tiny paintbrush to drip a few drops of water onto his rump, but I think he's lost his spinnerets, not to sure.

    I have sat here for 2 hours watching him skin, totally fascinated!


  • #2
    Very intresting pictures Kain...thank you for sharing them i always find it amazing to watch ...


    • #3
      Will it be ok without it's spinnerets?

      Seems to be 'leaking' silk?



      • #4
        I would have thought that she would grow them back next moult , but this i have never had happen to me so i am not sure ....sorry


        • #5
          You are so lucky to have witnessed the actual event (Jealous!)

          I came back from West Wales to find my Avic sp had also moulted, along with my big (now bigger) P, fasciata, my N, carapoensis, I think my N, chromatus, my M, robustum and my A, chacoana!!

          My T, blondi, A, geniculata, L, parahybana and T, apophysis are refusing food so here's hoping!

          Convinced the C, cyanopubescens has also moulted but cant find a skin i there (Not rummaging around as feel bad home wrecking when they web so much!)


          • #6
            The abdomin on my T. blondi has started to go really dark and is refusing food. I would say since they're from the same batch as yours Johanna a moult is going to happen soon. My L. parahybana and large A. geniculata also have very dark abdomins and are refusing food.

            I had to remove some substrate from my C. fasciatum as it had a bit of mould, I hadnt seen her for a while so was expecting to find a dead T, but when I found her Im sure shes bigger!!! but no sign of a moult though.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
              The abdomin on my T. blondi has started to go really dark and is refusing food. I would say since they're from the same batch as yours Johanna a moult is going to happen soon. My L. parahybana and large A. geniculata also have very dark abdomins and are refusing food.

              I had to remove some substrate from my C. fasciatum as it had a bit of mould, I hadnt seen her for a while so was expecting to find a dead T, but when I found her Im sure shes bigger!!! but no sign of a moult though.

              The T, blondi hasn't got a darkened rump but it's usually a ravenous eater so this is some kind of sign I guess. I think they are from the same batch so fingers crossed. Hoping the L, parahybana does the same too, did you get that one form the same place as the T, blondi? Coz I did, wonder if they are both imminent too??

              I can't wait to see one of my bigger T's moult!


              • #8
                Kain i presume this isnt the Avic you recently lost? If not i hope it is ok without spinnerettes!


                • #9
                  No I did have 3 avics, got 2 now.

                  I don't think he's that bothered without his spinnerets, he's has something to eat tonight, so there cant be much bothering him!


