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What shall i get.

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  • What shall i get.

    Hi to all,
    Thinking about getting another T, And as a begginer ????? I have a A. Chalcodes, and a B. Smithi. Now i am wondering,
    . I do fancy a P. Fasciata, or Regalis but i do like my fingers. What do you suggest. And by the way, what do you do when bitten.??

  • #2
    usually you say ..... " OW !! "


    • #3
      Hi Richard

      I'm relatively new to the hobby and have jumped in both feet as always.
      I started with the beginner species (B, albopilosum, B, smithi etc) but within a month or two I had in my grubby little mitts a selection of Pokies and a P, murinus!!

      I sought advice before jumping in with both these feet and the general consensus was treat them with a bit of respect and appreciate they are fight or flight creatures and you'll be fine.
      The only scary bit for me was transfering them from their transport tubs to their new homes as they were quite skittish from the ordeal of their journey. Once they were in and settled and had webbed up they were peachy!

      I think it's really a case of just use your head and be a bit more careful when doing anything with them that's all.

      If you want to be really sensible then go for another pretty arboreal but with a lot less attitude and pick up an Avicularia versicolour. These are stunning little spiders and although fast too at the size I have one (1-2cm) they're little sweeties! (Very pretty too!)


      • #4
        If you are heading toward arboreal i would recommend A Avic or A Versi as a reasonably good starting point. As Johanna says the versi's a very nice looking spider, The A Avic is my personal favorite and in my experience has the most entertaining personallity and habits.
        An A Geniculata is a good choice for another terestrial, reasonably quick growers, get to a good size and are very good looking.
        For fossorial spiders, i'll let someone else comment as the half dozen or so that ive had in the past have really been pet holes (apart from one P Murinus who decided to be a pet rock and neither climb or dig, ate like a horse though). I like display enclosures so holes don't have the same entertainment value for me.

        Oh by the way, if you get bitten....
        1 you swear for being so stupid,
        2 bleed,
        3 swell up,
        4 when you feel dizzy and throw up you go to the hospital where they remind you of point 1 again
        Last edited by Guest; 12-04-07, 10:30 PM.


        • #5
          I wonder how many people actually get bitten? all my pokies are much more content to run off across the table at top speed than bite in fact pretty much all my spids would rather run except perhaps my H.Lividum shes a bit of a phsyco
          The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Simon Batten View Post
            I wonder how many people actually get bitten? all my pokies are much more content to run off across the table at top speed than bite in fact pretty much all my spids would rather run except perhaps my H.Lividum shes a bit of a phsyco

            After seeking advice on pokies on the Arboreal Tarantula Forum I received a reply from Mr Michael Jacobi himself.
            He has been keeping Tarantulas for years especially the Poecilotheria sp and other fast/potentially more agressive species and he says that in all these years of keeping spiders, and even dealing with them in the wild, he can count the number of times he's been bitten on his hands.

            Colin, when you mention about 'Feeling sick and going to hospital' what the hell were you bitten by??

            I suppose the other thing is people are likely to react differently to the venom, like some people develop anaphylaxis from a bee sting?!


            • #7
              1987....Selenocosmia lanipes.....ouch !!!

              The three that stick in my mind

              Vipera Berus (adder) whilst on conservation trip, two holes and a burning sensation for a few days.

              Selenocosmia lanipes whilst feeding (my they're quick) two holes, big red rash, sickness diorhea, Very heavy flu feeling, tightness in chest.

              common queen wasp, whilst removing the nest from loft (idiot !!) big red rash and swelling , couldn't move hand fully for a week.

              weird eh, scientifically the most "toxic" cleared up the earliest and had the least effect. shows how we all differ in differing style venom reaction

              I must be stupid in reverse.


              • #8
                Ummm, sounds like your not worried about alot. Anyway thanks for the help, still open for more suggestions.


                • #9
                  sounds like your not worried about alot
                  Centipedes......scare the life out of me.....spawns of satan, rather walk into a lions cage with a pork chop hanging round my neck !!!

                  After a bit of a could ponder about....

                  another Pretty spider.... (emelia, vagans etc) always look nice.

                  active arboreals like the Avics and Pokies. fascinating to watch at night time.

                  Chromatopelma sp (green bottle blue) for unusual colouration, nice display spider

                  or go for either of the underrated spiders (in my opinion) G Rosea or B albopilosum, both very hardy.


                  • #10
                    Ok thanks, now got to talk the wife into agreeing its a good idea, might wait till the BTS show, and just bring one, or two home.


                    • #11
                      ... or three or four ...........


                      • #12
                        Ummm thats what i am worried about.


                        • #13
                          Where do most people get their t,s from, i use The spider shop, seem good but its always good to browse???


                          • #14
                            To be honest I prefer thespidershop but the other place I have happily bought from is

                            Have bought T, blondi juv and L, parahybana juv from these guys and happy with specimens.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
                              If you are heading toward arboreal i would recommend A Avic or A Versi as a reasonably good starting point.
                              I agree with Colin 100% here, if you want an arboreal, start with an Avic then move on to Pokies that are a totally different kettle of fish. (Well spider, but you know what i mean lol)

