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Newbie needing advice

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  • Newbie needing advice

    Hi everyone
    I'm brand new to the world of spiders and have been kind of dumped in at the deep end here. This little tarantula was left on my doorstep (I rescue parrots normally lol) The note said it was a Chilian rose but after looking it photo's it looks to be a Mexica red rump (Brachypelma Vagans) with mostly black velvety type hair but redish colouring on the abdomen. It looks to be very young (about the size of a 2p piece). I need info quickly on how to look after the wee thing properly.

    I have read some on the net and have a heat pad on the side of the tank and heat around 25c and lower at night. I have bought a block of coconut fibre substrate that I'm supposed to soak. How much water do I put in?
    I fed it 2 small crickets (about half the spiders size 2 nights ago). Is that the right amount for its age? Is it the right food? Anything else I'm supposed to feed it?
    I was told by the woman in the pet shop I got the crickets from Not to put a small dish with water in but have read that I Should. Which is correct?
    I bought bark pieces for it to hide under after reading that they like that. Is that ok for this typeof spider?
    The substrate in the tank (that came with the spider) is very dry so I sprayed with water yesterday. Should I do that daily? I plan on leaving the wee thing as is for a few days or so then clean tha tank out and put better substrate in. Should it be very damp, damp or more on the dryer side? How much humidity do they need?
    The note also said that it had moulted the week before. I read that you shouldnt feed for a few days or so after a moult. Is that correct and how long after moulting do I feed it?
    How often do they moult when young?

    Sorry this has gotten kind of long so I will finish here for now but wil probably have more questions when I think of them. If there is anything I have missed please feel free to advise. I plan on keeping it as I'm getting quite hooked lol.

    Give me all your Avics !!!!!

  • #2
    Sounds like your doing everything right to me brachys dont like it to damp so keep it fairly dry and only mist twice a month or so. As it is a spiderling still it will be fine to feed it fairly soon after a moult as younger spiders take less time to harden off. It wont need a water bowl yet as it is to small I never offer a water bowl to any spider that is less than 3 inchs legspan to prevent accidental drowning. For now it will be fine for the little one to take its water from its food and the misting of the tank etc. Brachys dont like moisture but as this is a youngster you need to keep it slightly damper than an adult freashly brought compost type damp or slightly wetter should be fine. Moults when young will depend on how much it feeds and how often. At this ones size I tend to offer about 3 crickets the size of its abdermon once a week and adjust the amount per week based on its appitie and the size of its abdermon the pumper it is the less I offer, and at a certain plumpness I stop offering food at all, to prevent over feeding and shortening the life span of the spider. I hope I have been of some help to you in this reply and good luck with your new pet your going to find it is an addiction and your want more than just this little one.


    • #3
      Thank you Sarah that has been very helpful

      It is fascinating to watch the little thing catch and eat its food. Its a stunning little spider and the legs etc look like black velvet. So cool.

      I think I have put too much water in the new substrate so will let it dry out a little before cleaning out the tank and just lightly spray the stuff that already in there as its very dry.

      Whe my old Dad gets back from his holiday I will ask him to take a couple of photo's to post here so I can find out for definite if it is a B. vagans. It looks like one to me after looking at many pictures on the internet.

      I have found myself looking at lots of others though so perhaps when I feel more confident in caring for them I will look for another. I may start looking for small tanks etc so I'm ready when the time comes

      I'm just glad that no-one in my house has a fear of spiders lol.

      Give me all your Avics !!!!!

