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Which one?

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  • Which one?

    Being a total newbie to these little guys I would appreciate some input for you experts

    I already have a small (approx 1.5 - 2") B. vagans which was dumped on my doorstep and I'm hooked already. I'm looking to get another in a few weeks (I want to wait until the B. vagans gets through a moult which should be in about 2 weeks) before I get the second one so thought now would be the best time to get opinions.

    I have narrowed my search down to 3.

    1. A. chacoana
    2. G. aurestriata (my preference so far because of its docility and beauty)
    3. L. parahybana

    Also which is the best place to buy? I have found The Spider Shop and The Tarantula Shop. Do you have any preferences of where best to buy?


    Give me all your Avics !!!!!

  • #2
    I own both the L. parahybana and G. aureostriata and tbh I dont think I could tell which to get. They both get big, and are incredible looking T's. I recently saw a HUGE L. parahybana in a local pet shop and it was incredible.

    Why not get all 3!! You may as well do it now as you'll probably end up with them all anyway,.

    I've bought from both the Tarantulashop and the spidershop and found the service to be excellent with both. You shouldnt have any warries buying from either.




    • #3
      Take it from me, L, parahybana are quick and are a bit much to start with, although saying that I bought one after a month in the hobby! But I did think I overfaced myself.

      Settled in now and I feel more confident with it.

      The others aren't a bad choice, I have an A, chacoana sling and have found that easy enough to deal with.

      And both those shops are good to buy from. Also check out the Bulletin Board on the BTS main site coz many breeders sell there too.


      • #4
        Elaine, I think your right, the G.Aurestriata is a fantastic T, Your choice in the end, get what you want, and what your happy with.


        • #5
          Hi Elaine,
          can't really add much to what Mike, Jo and Richard have said above for your "wish list".

          Although, have you considered the Grammostola pulchra (brazilian Black) it has been considered to be the best starter T by many in the past, grows nicely, is normally docile and calm and even though i'ts a self black colour is very impressive.

          My L para has stopped running for its hide when i feed it, now it stays put and turns to face the nasty human with that "i'm going to throw my legs up in a minute" look. A total change of charactor over the last few weeks. I'm now classing them as "unpredictable"


          • #6
            Oh Boy!!!!!

            Oh decisions, decisions lol.

            Thanks for your replies. They are much appreciated

            So if I'm going to jump in with both feet here I should perhaps get 2 of the 3 being the G. aurestriata and the A. chacoana. I have read a bit more on the L. parahybana and think Johanna may well be right Decision made now thanks.

            I can get both from The Spider Shop which is handy but how easy or difficult is it to raise spiderlings that are so little (1 - 2cm)? Would I have to feed them on those little mealworms or the smallest crickets?

            Can I also ask where you buy your tanks from for when they get a bit bigger? The B. vagans is in a small plastic tank that measures 10Lx6Wx7H inches. Obviously the bigger T's (see I'm figuring out the lingo lol) will eventually need bigger tanks than that when adult.

            I will probably be back with loads more questions if you dont mind

            Last edited by Elaine Ross; 15-04-07, 11:34 AM.

            Give me all your Avics !!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post

              Although, have you considered the Grammostola pulchra (brazilian Black) it has been considered to be the best starter T by many in the past, grows nicely, is normally docile and calm and even though i'ts a self black colour is very impressive.
              Thanks Colin, I will go and see what I can find out about the G. pulchra. I just looked at a picture and it is a stunner.

              I may end up with 3 at this rate lol.


              Give me all your Avics !!!!!


              • #8
                A good place to get tanks is .... nice range of different tanks good looking ones or cheep ones for mass housing ( like breeding ) Hope this helps, Its where i get mine.
                Last edited by Daniel Carpenter; 15-04-07, 03:18 PM. Reason: spelling


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Daniel Carpenter View Post
                  A good place to get tanks is .... nice range of different tanks good looking ones or cheep ones for mass housing ( like breeding ) Hope this helps, Its where i get mine.
                  Thanks Daniel, I will go and have a look on the website now and hopefully get everything in order way before I get my new T's.


                  Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                  • #10
                    Elaine, if you're not sure about what you want from the spidershop or whether it is suitable, ring up and speak to Lee. he's happy to advise and has a good selection depending on what you want.
                    For the bigger spiders to go on display I do like the 30x30x30 Exo Terra tanks and Lee stocks them at a pretty good price too.

                    The diddy little slings are fine to look after but they are TINY!! I was gobsmacked at just how small they were!! I feed them Micro Crickets or hatchling crickets. Some people cut up bits of larger crickets and lob them in. Mine all have different tastes. Some will take dead and some won't (Although being a fussy mare I probably worry about leaving it there too long for them to get used to the idea and take the bits out before they even realise it's edible, just not wriggling!!!!)


                    • #11
                      Hey Jo...
                      You know how i said i was limiting myself..well i got three slings today (2x rosea, 1x emilia), two more scorps and Lee talked me into a pair of Rosea RCF (It was hard to pass up his offer on two Peru Avic's but i thought the kids have got to eat this week)

                      i think i've got McMullen's disease


                      • #12
                        Haha! It's catching! The lastest editions to my collection were two Cyriopagopus sp 'Singapore Blue' spiderlings/juveniles

                        Also got some more stuff arriving this week!!! Another juv T, blondi, and L, parahybana and another L, parahybana and A, geniculata that I have bought from someone on the T-store.

                        I'm getting a bit panicky about how much I am spending but still have a couple more spiders that I really want to get (Megaphobema sp)

                        Still looking for a home for the Chameleon too to free up some space/time/money!

                        And to make matters worse I know Lee is going to have more 'Goodies' going on the site that he may have had at the show.....

                        It's a downward spiral!


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the info on feeding slings Johanna. I didnt realise that I may have to kill some bugs but if needs must and all that

                          I'm going to have to go off and have a search for the T's you all just brought home so I will know what they are. Its sounds like you had a great time today and maybe spent a bit too much money lol.

                          It will be a couple of week or so before I can get mine and I think I have decided on 3 lol. The G. aureostriata, A. chacoana and the G. pulchra.

                          My daughter likes the H. lividum just because its a pretty blue colour. It looks a bit to feisty for me though. Maybe in a couple of years or so

                          Now I just need to decide on eith slings or juveniles.

                          I appreciate you all helping me out like this. Not all forums are so friendly to newbies so thanks for being so kind.

                          Ps. Johanna, how many T's do you have? It sounds like you have quite a collection already.

                          Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                          • #14
                            My daughter likes the H. lividum just because its a pretty blue colour.
                            You should check out the GBB (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, thats a mouthful!! ) Fantastic colours, blue legs, green carapace and orange abdomin.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
                              You should check out the GBB (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, thats a mouthful!! ) Fantastic colours, blue legs, green carapace and orange abdomin.

                              Now Mike, thats just plain cruel lol. I had decided on 3 total and now you had to go and show me this one. That is one stunning T. I had best go and measure my shelf to see how many tanks I have space for

                              I just went back and read the bit where it says they are fast and skittish so I think this one should wait for a while longer whew.


                              Give me all your Avics !!!!!

