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I lost my juv T, blondi......

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  • I lost my juv T, blondi......

    I'm distraught!
    I came home tongiht and was running through my spiders to check them all and found my T, blondi dead (Or nearly there)!!!

    I'm in a right state thinking about what i have done wrong!?!

    I know it was coming up to moult and it looks like that's how it has died but it was scrunched up in the corner of it's tub in an upright position??

    It's abdomen had started to come away (the moult) and carapace was popped as though about to go through the motions, but it was on it's feet?

    When i turned it over there looks to be 'blood' on it's fang area?? I guess that's what the white stuff was??

    Why has this happened? What have I done? I have been misting regularly but not to extremes of getting it wet??

    Everything else in my care has moulted fine, I even found that my G, pulchra sling had moulted successfully, and my P, striata, and also to my shock one of the Cyriopagopus sp that arrived this weekend! That was at it as i arrived home and has since come out unscathed!!??

    I'm really worried I have fluffed up here and after being so excited about the imminent moult too....

  • #2
    Tarantulas can molt upright. Are you sure it's dead. If not I would suggest leaving it alone for a few hours and see what happens.
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    • #3
      There seemed to be very little movement in it so ihave transfered it to another tank and then gave it a light spray around to see if that helped.

      It just really didn't look all too good...

      I will go and check on it now though


      • #4
        I've also heard of T's moulting in weird and wonderful positions (though never seen it myself)
        sometimes they get exhausted and "rest up" for a while.

        Lets hope it's this and not what we all dread.

        Hope it works out ok


        • #5
          It doesn't look good.
          Have been in to check and there's no sign of life....


          Just makes me really paranoid about the rest now.

          I think my T, apophysis is coming up to a moult and I'm scared about that little one now!


          • #6
            Hi Johanna

            Any news on your T Blondi ?

            Hope he/she is ok


            • #7
              Thats a shame Jo..

              I have heard T blondi is hard to keep, but I too sure either way.

              Perhaps it'sjust one of them things, and you ain't done nothing wrong. I know when one of my A avic's died I was gutted and thought I had done something wrong.

              Chin up



              • #8
                THat's a shame Jo,
                i'm sure it wasn't anything you did or didn't do.


                • #9
                  I'm sorry Johanna. You must be gutted. You know sometimes things just arent meant to be.


                  Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                  • #10
                    Thanks all for your kind replies. I guess I have to just except that these things do happen.

                    Still upsetting though.

                    I have recently heard these guys are prone to trouble moulting, is this the case?


                    • #11
                      Hi Jo
                      can't offer advice myself as never experienced a T blondi moult personally.

                      just had a scout around on the net for info and it seems that a few people have had (or are worried about having) moulting problems with the T blondi.

                      One from the arachnoboards is here

                      with a few extra links at the bottom.

                      There's a few other links available if you google "T blondi moult"
                      hope these shed some light.....


                      • #12
                        I am sorry for your loss Johanna, the only question is are we talking about a sling ....if so it is not uncommon for them to die while moulting, it happens alot that is one of the resons why tarantulas have so many young, to create a better chance of a few living. Also its why many tarantula keepers buy 3-4 slings at a time because they are used to a few to die. Yet again i say i am sorry, it is never nice to have or hear about a loss of tarantula, big or small.


                        • #13
                          I lost my juv T,blondi

                          Hi Jo, really sorry to hear what has happened to your T blondi. I can imagine how you feel cause I would be distraught too. I'm sure it was'nt anything you did or did not do try not to worry.

                          Take care


                          • #14
                            sorry for your loss, sometimes these things happen I have lost a couple in the last few weeks unfortunately, I always go through everything I can think of that could of been my fault and never really come to a conclusion I guess its just one of those things, I have lost about 5 in about 18months they have all been tiny slings though except for my Yammie and P.Pederseni which had a bad moult and the yammie im not sure I have lost two Yammie slings so I give up with those
                            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


                            • #15
                              I lost my T.Blondi last year just before the moult. I put it down to humidity and sulked for a couple for days. I feel your pain!!!
                              Everyones an Expert! "Ex" is a has been - "spurt" is a strong gush of water! You decide............................

