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  • Typical

    Though i'd share this typical scenario.

    In another thread i said that i was going to set up some time lapse photography and string it together in a slide show, turn it into a video file and stick it on my web site for any interested parties.

    Well my P Regalis moulted last night.....missed it !!
    My L parahybana's in it's burrow and looks to be upside down (i can see ONE foot)
    My daughters G Rosea has flipped over...BEHIND a load of plastic plants and a fair amount of webbing that reflects the flash everywhere.

    The only one i'm now hopeful on is my A Avic who has just spun a sheet of web across one corner of it's enclosure just under it's web funnel.
    Staying up all night anyone?....i know i am !!

  • #2
    Good luck Colin, you need some after your other T's decided not to play ball.


    • #3
      Aint that just the way!!!!

      My B. smithi has been off her food for a few weeks, and the day before yesterday Inoticed her abdomin has gone VERY dark, so Im expecting another late night any time soon.


      • #4
        Unlucky colin, hope it goes o.k now.....yer i am sating up most of the night there is a film i want to watch but it dont start intil I m dvd rec is gone and blown up ( not working )


        • #5
          Daniel, on the 8th day God created Sky Plus!


          • #6
            Sod's Law eh! Your time lapse video plan sounds good tho,be cool when it all comes together,and i'm sure it will.
            My Collection: - Spiders are everywhere, so live with it
            Ray Gabriel


            • #7
              Well we have a feshly moulted G Rosea who's chilling out behind the plastic plants (looks good from what i can see)

              Can't see anything of the L para

              Noticed two little Regalis feet moving behind the cork bark so he/she's ok there.

              The A Avic just had a good old stomp around last night, did a little more to her Web Hammock, then went into her web tube and that was that.

              Edited addition.

              Now have the Rosea exuvium....
              Of course its pretty tatty around the area i need to check (typical), so can't make out any definites from the furrow or spermathecae, no signs of male palps or tibial appendages either on the spider itself.

              pictures a bit off, had to stick camera in cage at an angle.

              Edited Update

              The A avic has webbed herself in her tube (after joining the little hammock up to the tube with web)

              Can't win can i

              Edited...edited...edited...FINAL update....

              woke this morning to find my B emilia a little larger and more colourful, moulted last night, i knew she was in premoult as she'd refused food for a while and was showing "the early signs", but as per is the norm, i didn't get a chance of the time lapse AGAIN !! Ah well .
              Last edited by Guest; 08-05-07, 03:03 PM.

