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Theraphosid Moulting Problem

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  • Theraphosid Moulting Problem

    What is it with me and this species??????

    Again, I am waiting with bated breath to see if my other Theraphosid (Apophysis this time) is going to make it through moult!!!

    I lost my T, blondi just over a week ago mid moult and my T, apophysis looks to be going the same way!!

    It's on it's feet and the carapace has come off, the new carapace is enormous, a fair increase from the old one. The abdominal skin is almost off but the Chelicerae and legs are not coming free by the looks of things. It's been in that state since this morning (6.30am!)

    Now I was worried about posting this because I'm scared that people will think I am a muppet and shouldn't have Tarantulas but then if I don't ask I won't learn!

    What could I be doing wrong to have this happen to the both of them?

    I have had approx 18 other T's in my care moult with absolutely NO problems whatsoever yet when it comes to my Goliath Bird Eaters they seem to turn up their tootsies!!

    Please please please has anyone any ideas what i'm doing wrong? I'm feeding them regularly but I don't believe to excess and when they go into pre-moult they stop eating anyway. Their substrate is kept moist but I don't believe excessively so. They are kept at an average temperature of 75-80 Degrees C taken from several caresheets...

    Has anybody got any theories? I'm tying myself in knots here because I can see this little one is struggling but I can do stuff all to help it!! I'm so angry with myself!

  • #2
    Im really sorry to hear about another Theraphosa molt problem. I cant offer any advice as Im more in the dark than you, but I really hope it pulls through its molt.



    • #3
      Hi Johanna.
      I'm a total newbie to T's but I did find this if its any help.

      A moult should take no longer than 12 hours and after this time the tarantula is usually in need of help. The most common problem is that the old skin doesn't come away properly and this should be removed very carefully using a damp paint brush. If the spider experiences difficulty during a moult, it can be sprayed with tepid water and hopefully this will soften the skin enough for it to free itself. It is advisable to stay and watch the tarantula that is moulting just in case it should have a problem but, if the conditions are correct, the chance of any serious damage will be slight

      I hope it all goes well. Fingers crossed.

      Give me all your Avics !!!!!


      • #4
        Thanks guys, still checking in on it but still same condition...


        • #5
          put her in the shower turn the hot water on get the steam going and let the humidity do it's job ( don't really put the T IN the shower) hope this works
          "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
          Jeremy Bentham


          • #6
            Don't panic, just let it do what its doing... as long as its moving now and then and pumping - its working on getting the old skin off. Biggest mistake you can make is disturb Theraphosa they will stress out and die.

            Just sit back and watch.

            If it looks like real trouble get a fine piant brush and use rose water or glycerin mixed with water and lub up the little fella making sure you keep clear of the book lungs.

            Tarantulas can die in molts and it might not be what you have done OK... It is a very stressfull time for them.

            Keep us informed.

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            • #7
              If you have to use a paint brush, use a natural hair brush (sable if pos) as it will be softer and able to 'hold' more liquid. Artificial fibre brushes can have sharp manufacturing edges that "can" scratch a newly moulted area and lead to infection or at the worst rupturing of an area due to the pumping action.
              This is worse case scenario but is avoidable.
              I agree with Mark on the Rose Water if you need a vote of confidence. and it's best to disturb it as little as possible.
              Last edited by Guest; 23-04-07, 07:08 PM.


              • #8
                theraphosid Moulting Problem

                Hi Jo, sorry to hear you are experiencing another moult problem. It must be stressing you out!! Try not to worry looks like you have had alot of good advice.

                Fingers crossed



                • #9
                  Thanks Guys

                  Still no change this morning and no real signs of life...I also fear that my flapping has caused the poor little soul more harm than good, I should have left it well alone, and I was so full of good intentions......

                  Will have a look when i get home but I fear the worst......

                  The only good thing I can take from this whole awful experience is a lesson learned for next time.


                  • #10
                    Morning Johanna
                    I was hoping that your post would be good news. I'm sorry things arent going well. I will still keep everything crossed for your wee guy.

                    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                    • #11
                      I have read on various websites that Theraphosids can struggle with the moult, so I really doubt it's anything you can do, but it's just one of them things so to speak.

                      Is the tank humid enough? I know it's a basic question, but when my first A avic skinned the tub wasn't which resulted in me helping the little guy out with the water and paintbrush method but in the end he lost his spinnerets (He's fine now though) and that was probably my fault as he moulted soon after I started keeping T's so it's always abit of a learning curve.

                      I bought some vermiculite and mixed it in the the peat and now I have trouble free moults and there tubs are nice and humid.

                      Knowing how much you care for your T's I would guess you have that all sorted, and in that case it's just the short straw mate..

                      Hope it'sok when you get home.



                      • #12
                        Hope it goes o.k for you mate, the only thing that i would like to know is, is the T a sling?? If so i am sorry to say but i have said it before is not uncommen for a sling to die during a moult, its one of the reasons why they have to many young because so many die due to one thing or another. Thats why many breeders sell slings in lots like 3-5 per time ...because the exspect a few to die. Yet agian i am sorry if this turns out to be the case with yours. All the best,


                        • #13
                          Wish me luck!!!
                          I've just got in from a rehersal with my band and my T. blondi is on her back!!!


                          • #14
                            Mike, definitely good luck...

                            Although i read that as....

                            You've just had a rehearsal and your T is on it's back.....

                            Are you really that bad ??


                            • #15
                              Wasnt that bad tonight, been alot worse
                              ONly 3 more and that will be my whole 11 T's molted ina couple of weeks!!

