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a bit of a shock

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  • a bit of a shock

    I checked on my Avicularie versicolor juvanile after its molt and i saw it had no pedipalps and 2 legs missing it has been in its web retreat for the past few months and always molted out well but this time, the humidity is high so why did she molt so badly?

  • #2
    there sometimes isnt an explanation for it mate , i doubt it was anything you did


    • #3
      yep, sometimes they can just have a bad moult its not uncommon, when tarantulas moult its one of the most hardest things they perform, so dont worry yourself that you did something wrong. If the humdity was high theres not much else you could have done.


      • #4
        I know what you mean Andy and I have to agree it's just one of those things.
        I lost 2 theraphosid sp this last couple of weeks during moult but yet I have had another 19 species of spider moult with absolutely no problems at all.

        Guess it's just the way it happens. The bonus is these amazing creatures have the ability to regenerate the lost limbs so they'll come back with time!

        Chin up!

