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New Sling

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  • New Sling

    Hi all,

    Quick question, my new sling B.bohemi has arrived, and I'm chuffed to pieces. I am keeping it in an plastic container (like the ones the crickets come in), and at present it is hiding away in it's little film camera case as a burrow.

    Is this container too big? I have been on the internet and there are places that say these containers are too big for slings! Mine is about 2 - 3 cm.
    Also should I start feeding it straight away or let it settle down for a day or so after it's travels?

    Will post some pics as soon as I can.


  • #2
    As for feediing straight away, i normally find its best to let te little chap settle in for a few days. And i always say, if the slings using the hide, the he,s happy. Good luck with him, and post some pics soon.


    • #3
      I have a little B emilia, similar size, and in the same style of container at present, it has a little hide to use but rarely does, ive added a few little twigs and small stones to increase the tactile "feel" of the place so it isn't a baron wilderness for it,
      it doesn't pace the perimiter of the tub as though it was stresssed, but just saunters around very relaxed exploring, looking for food and rests occasionally on some of the decor.
      In nature the little thing would have hundreds of square feet at it's disposal for exploration but would choose to find the best spot nearby, there would be lots of natural decor for it to explore in it's own little bit, so if we can provide a similar "piece" of this in a tub it should be happy.
      whatever style of enclosure you wish to use is entirely up to you, as Richard says if he's using the hide, all seems ok .

      As for feeding, try it with a food item, if it's hungry... it'll eat, if it's not... it won't, it's a simple as that.


      • #4
        Yep just like colin said with feeding that is how it goes
        As for the crick tub muct of my slings that are about 3cm upwards are kept in them, so dont worry , they are ideal little tubs. Just make sure you put a few more crickets in than normal so he/she has a fair chance of getting one or two


        • #5
          The boehmi's colours are gorgeous. Congratulations on your new addition Barbara!


          • #6
            Not too big, as such, but smaller slings (smaller than 2-3 cm! I'd say that's getting into 'juvenile' size, myself) might be easier to locate in a smaller tub. But I don't think you'll have any problems there.

            Congrats on a nice spider.


            • #7
              Congrats on new spid, we got one of these in Dec and she is beautiful, a fantastic display spider and she eats well too. Good luck with it.


              • #8
                Congratulations Barbara on getting your new little one there safe and sound. I look forward to pics of him/her once settled in.

                The pics I have seen of the B. boehmei are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to getting my one on Tuesday.


                Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                • #9
                  Thanks for all your replies much appreciated. The little one appears quite relaxed.

                  After spying on him last night in the pitch black with my little night scope (yes I did buy a night scope it' s been quite fun spying on them both. Only hope I don't spy an ORB!! I will freak out ( for those of you who watch most Haunted) ) anyway little one has explored the wall and been all over the the tub, so I guess he is ok. Will feed him later just before it gets dark, my G.Rosea likes this time of day so will do both together.

                  Congratulations Elaine I know how you feel, I was up at 6.30 Saturday could'nt wait for postman I'm like a mother hen at moment keep popping in to see how he/she is doing ok

                  Will post some pics asap. Thanks again folks



                  • #10
                    Careful Barbara
                    I too started with a G, rosea large sling and thought...mmm, I'd like to get into spiders more.

                    I now have over 30 spiders!! Granted the majority of those are slings but still, this is what happens!

                    Love every minute of it though and still get excited about feeding them and finding that something has moulted! Got a juv L, parahybana waiting to go and just witnessed the whole thing when i walked in to find my P, murinus just about to go through the motions! Fascinating! Saw the whole moult from carapace popping through to pulling final legs free! Was starting to get a stiff neck! lol

                    On the subject of housing, it's easier to keep them in something a little smaller than a cricket tub when they're that size, I have pots from Lee that are the next size up from the film pots (You used to be able to keep them in the pots they came in but Lee's run out of the transparent ones so sends them in the black ones now) and they seem sufficient. Just see what suits you and the spid best really. So long as it's finding it's food easily enough that's the main thing but they don't need an awful lot of space.

                    Anyway, congrats on the new addition, hope you have years of pleasure out of it! xx


                    • #11
                      Hi Johanna

                      I think I know what you mean by be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just moving my kitchen into new extension and came upon three shallow plastic tubs that had been lost somewhere in the cupboards. You might think they would make good sandwich boxes NO!! I was thinking they would make great sling homes. I can feel another visit to the Spider shop coming on he he!!



                      • #12
                        Sounds familiar!


                        • #13
                 is a very additive hobby though, no dout bout that.


                          • #14
                            I ought to mention at this point that the addiction doesn't go away. My C. meridionalis moulted last night and I was there with it every moment of the way. Of course things get worse after a year or two because then you not only want more but also you're after breeding partners for the ones you've got. And an extension to the house!
                            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

