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Oh No!!!

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  • Oh No!!!

    I think my P formosa is dying!

    Its gone all vary limp and moving only slightly and like a white goo coming from between the fangs (mouth?)

    He moulted a few weeks ago and was fine. In fact I encased the skin in resin. It looks like one of its knees is bleeing! I can't see how or why though as hes only in a tub 4inches high with some cork bark to climb on.

    Hes a 1.5 inch sling.

    Totally gutted I'm not sure what has happened. Could it be Nematodes?

    Ahh man...


  • #2
    Its like hes having a fit now, he's trembling and quivering...




    • #3
      I am waiting to hear back from a vet but i might need to see your specimen where are you?



      • #4
        It's a distinct possibility that if it's lost a lot of "body fluids" from the Bleeding Knee you mention, the (for want of a better non techy phrase) valve system within it's body is having to work overtime, due to lack of internal pressure, to pump the oxygenated fluids around to the neccessary organs to sustain itself.

        Can you see any movement in the "goo" to indicate parasites
        Is the knee oozing the same fluid (and again can you see anything moving, some parasites break out through the "joints of the host"
        Is there a possiblity it has fallen (even a low drop can cause drastic life threatening injuries)
        Last edited by Guest; 07-05-07, 03:11 PM.


        • #5
          The goo has all gone now, and he's actaully looking abit better so to speak, but he seems like he can't walk properly on his one side. He does seem to not be flipping out as much since I have had him on a heat mat with nothing to climb. I open the lid of the tub he's in and he tries to go into defensive position but falls over!

          If he was another creature, I would say he's had a stroke, but I don't think spiders can have them?

          The hemolymph has seemed to have stopped oozing, but I can see redness in the knees of the first pair of legs.

          I suppose he could have fallen, but maxfor have been about 5inches from top of the tank he was in to the bottom.

          He did have a cricket in his tank, could that have attacked him?



          • #6
            Its died



            • #7
              Shame mate,
              There's not really a lot you can do for a spider when it's in distress, you can only make sure everythings as close to "bang on" when keeping them.
              I still go along with my first educated guess and say that it possibly slipped and landed aquardly and lost too much hemolymph so it couldn't sustain its internal optimum pressure to move (i.e the reason it was shaking)

              still, it's a big shame mate and sorry you had to go through it.

              Dont forget it may yet be able to help out in the hobby as Ray Gabriel and Richard Gallon are asking for deceased spiders to help in their taxonomy work.


              • #8
                sorry to hear that.
                its distressing when you lose a spider.

                'A Woman's Prayer:
                Dear Lord, I pray for: Wisdom, To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience, For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength I'll just beat him to death'


                I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning thats as good as their going to feel all day.


                • #9
                  Sorry Kain, I know it's not nice to lose one!


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear that buddy.


                    • #11
                      Oh Kain I'm really sorry to hear that. Sounds like you have been through the rough with this one.



                      • #12
                        I'm so sorry Kain


                        Give me all your Avics !!!!!

