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  • question.

    Hi to all.
    And i take it that many of you will have the tarantula Keepers Guide, that they keep fliping through. My question is, on the back cover, is that a A.Chalcodes, and what would you say is the scabbing on its opisthosoma, is it in intermolt? And can you age a T, by the size of its spinneret.?

  • #2
    I dont use it or recomend it.

    I prefer Ron Baxters book "Tarantulas In Captivity" as a good beginners book.

    Sorry cannot help with the pic,



    • #3
      I prefer Ron Baxters book "Tarantulas In Captivity" as a good beginners book.
      Ray, do you know any where that sells the book? I've done a uicksearch and dont seem to be able to find it for sale anywhere.


      • #4
        Its been advertised in the BTS Journal since I was lad ( now thats old)

        See, the benefits of membership know no limits.......

        Ray hale
        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


        • #5
          Strong views Ray, so as a novice, and before i throw the book into the bin, why ??
          And Mike, my wife has found someone who has it, pm me and i will give you the add.


          • #6
            Do you mean "Keeping and Breeding Tarantulas"? Or does he have another book out there too?
            KJ Vezino
            Certified Arachnoholic
            My T Gallery
            Quest for Knowledge: All the T info links you need!
            "Have You Hugged Your Spiders Today?"

            KJ’s Collection


            • #7
              Hi Richard
              For me T The Tarantula Keepers Guide is ok up until page 52 then it seems to go off all vague and doesn't really tell you anything really spaciffic. With Ron Baxters book it is a whole lot easier to read without going off track too much and gives out a lot more information in general care and breeding for different species and tarantulas on a whole.

              But for me at least I think the best book out there at the moment is a Dutch book by Louwerens-Jan Nederlof & Gijsbert Kortekaas called Vogelspinnen (ISBN: 90-7532-57-3).
              Ok I know the book is in Dutch so may persent a few translation problems for some, including me in a few places but I still think it is a great book to have at least.
              All the best

