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Recieving T's in the post

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  • Recieving T's in the post

    I'm not being funny or anything but i have ordered a couple of slings. I should recieve thes probabily wednesday. My question is, how do they pack them? surely being bashed about in the back of some postman's van isn't very good for them? Has anyone else wondered this?

  • #2
    Hi Matt
    You will be pleasantly surprised to find that they are very well packed. I have bought from 3 different places and had them delivered by RM Next Day so they arent in transit for long. All have arrived safe and sound. Sligs are normally packed in vials with tissue paper in them and larger ones in pots to suit their size also with tissue paper in them. They are then put in a box with either bubble wrap, rolled up newspaper or polystyrene.
    I must admit, it worried me too until my first couple of T's arrived and looked all cosy in their vials.


    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


    • #3
      spiders do quite well in shipping providing they are slings or if adult not near moulting stage as one time I sent someone an adult pair of sp and the male was very close to shedding and said it would probably within the week it would shed but it shed in the box during travel by RMSD he was ok when he got there but died a couple of days later and the adult female a week after that presumably this species I sent him Megaphobema velvetosoma stress out very easy and will have been a cause for death but other than that every time I send and receive spiders they are fine. Although I must say no matter how many times you write on the box this way up they never pay attention to it


      • #4
        It has always concerned me about posting T's Matt, and i've yet to receive one through the post. (i always expect the worse)
        I must admit i like to look at the spider before i buy it.
        Mind you the amount that get sent this way (from reading members posts) there a very very few that don't make it.


        • #5
          I've recieved most of my spiders (and more) through the post, over the years. No problems whatsoever. And considering the local overpricing, that's a good thing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Warren View Post
            I've recieved most of my spiders (and more) through the post, over the years. No problems whatsoever. And considering the local overpricing, that's a good thing.
            I hear you. One of my local pet shops is selling an adult female B.smithi for £200! thespidershop was selling them for £40.

            I have also bought most of my spiders online and never had a single problem.
            Visit our work in progress website here:


            • #7
              Thankyou for your reply's. They'll be here tomorrow
              I'll try and post some pics of them


              • #8
                Recieved them wednesday and they were fine. What lovely spiders!

