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  • Hi Everyone

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Jim and I am a new member to the society. I live outside Dublin (Ireland) and I am a complete novice to keeping Tarantulas, although I have been doing a lot of reading.
    I have always had a huge interest in them and eventually got my first (and definately not last) Tarantula just over a week ago, Its a Chilean Rose of about 4½ inches long.
    I really look forward to your valued advice and support.
    Best Wishes,

  • #2
    Hi Jim, you couldn't have come to a better place for info and advice on the hobby.
    I've said it before to others..... if you don't know something.....ask.
    There's no such thing as a stupid question (within reason of course )

    p.s. G rosea is a nice starter spider...and it definitly won't be your last now you've caught the bug !!
    Last edited by Guest; 18-05-07, 12:40 PM.


    • #3
      Hello Jim and welcome

      I'm also new to tarantulas and started with 1 about 5 weeks ago and now am the proud carer of 7 so be warned, you do get hooked.

      The people here are very helpful so any questions you may have will be answered. They have given me all the advice and information I have needed along the way.

      Congratulations on your first tarantula. I'm sure it wont be your last


      Give me all your Avics !!!!!


      • #4
        Hi Jim

        Welcome, I started with a G.rosea and now I'm hooked. Mine is about 5 inches I adore her. I also have a B.bohemi sling which is about to moult so I'm on tender hooks at present, but I cannot praise enough this site. Everyone is so helpful and it's really comforting to know that there is always someone at the end of a quick post, who will give you advice.

        Enjoy your G.rosea and the forum it's great fun




        • #5
          Hi Jim welcome aboard

          Must be something about chilies, that was my first "visible" spider (my first T was a tiny white knee sling).

          As said earlier by Elaine this is a very compulsive interest, less than a year ago i was saying that i would never have Ts in my bugs collection, now i have over 100 specimens

          Don't be afraid to ask what may seem to you to be a silly question, if a search of the forum can't answer it for you then ask away - remember there is no such thing as a silly question, only a silly answer.


          • #6
            Hi Dave, sounds like you have a very impressive collection there. Already I am planning my second T. I wanted to get a Mexican Red Knee first but they are quite hard to come by in Ireland at the moment so I went for the Chile Rose instead with no regrets. After reading the thread on how well T's do in the post I will be contacting the spider shop very soon.

            Thanks to all for your kind welcome.


            • #7
              I can most certainly recommend the spider shop.

              The red knee is a favourite of mine, i have 4 at differing sizes from small sling to near adult


              • #8
                Hello and welcome. I am also new to keeping Ts and never thought I'd have any in the house, but I had to take my daughters 2 (at the time) in and now the collevtion has grown to 11, (my daughter now has 6, 3 belong to one of her workmates and 2 of which are now mine lol). I bought 2 recently from The spider Shop and found that the service was really great.

                And as Dave has already said, don't be afraid to ask as this site has helped me a lot in the short time I have been here.
                B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
                C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
                L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
                P. irminia - P. murinus

