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Sterilising Substrate - Fungus Problem???

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  • Sterilising Substrate - Fungus Problem???

    Hi all, after finding that Coir/Vermic mix seems to be drying out too quickly I changed 2 of my T's to a top soil/vermic mixture, which I didn't sterilise.

    2 days after the change I noticed 2 small patches of what looked like white cotton (a mould or fungus of some sort I imagine?) in the tanks, and the soil mix wasn't exactly waterlogged!

    I've since taken the mix out and microwaved to see if this will remedy the problem.

    Any advice on prevention of growths, or indeed what the white cotton like substance is?

    And if microwaving subs how long would you recommend heating it for?

    Ventilation in both tanks is good, so I don't think that is the problem.
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...

  • #2
    the fluffy growth is mould, the way i keep it from forming is to microwave for 10mins then i keep a few woodlice in with the T, the woodlice eat any mould that forms and also eats the T poop.
    Reptile Rescue Hull Volunteer,
    Invert Rescue Hull manager,

    A.avicularia, G.rosea, B.smithi, B.albopilosa
    P.murinus, H.lividum, L.parahybana, C.cyaneopubescens


    • #3
      Yep, Lee's right on track...
      I find that microwaving substrate is the best thing for steralisation.
      freezing wood and cork bark for 24 hrs seems to work just as well as microwaving. 12 woodlice in a 12x 12 (floor space) tank works a treat, as a bonus i find they eat mite eggs too.


      • #4
        Good good, now where can I find some sterile woodlice

        And some arboreal woodlice for the pokies, as they seem to enjoy grafittiing their tank walls with faecal matter...

        Seriously though, is there anywhere online I can buy some lice from?
        All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


        • #5
          just get them from a garden or woodlands that hasn't had any chemicals near. used woodlice from these sources for years with no problems.


          • #6
            Excellent, I think I'll go a foragin' soon!
            All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


            • #7
              there's two colours of wood lice mainly, the dull grey ones and the larger mottled brown and light grey "shinier" ones....go for the larger ones they seem to do the job better.

