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A million Thanks

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  • A million Thanks

    Hi everyone I just had to post up a few comments about the 22nd Exhibtion.

    This was the 15th Exhibition I have had the "pleasure" to organise. and despite the few teething problems with the new venue it really was a pleasure to put it all together.

    I must thank a few folk. First of all the rest of the BTS Commitee who worked like trojans to make sure we pulled it off. In particular Mark and Karen Titterton and their daughter who organised the overflow carpark so well ( at least you got a suntan Mark). Also thanks to Lee Cole who despite being ill the previous couple of days came down and headed the security team. Of course I have to thank my wife and your secretary,Angela for coping with me again before and during the show. She has the patience of a saint. Deano and Su for offering to step in at the last minute as replacements for Lee. The staff of the new venue for their assistance and cooperation, the exhibitors who were honest and open minded about the move and of course we would like to thank because without the support of the visitors,members or not there wouldnt be an exhibition.

    The weekend is always a hectic,tiring one but it gives us the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.

    I would add a few observations of my own. I thought the new venue was excellent and despite a few teething problems, which will be solved by next year, that the Exhibition was one of the best. The stock on display was of an exceptional quality and the choice of species was as good as I have ever seen (So I am told because as usual I spent most of my day solving visitor problems and dealing with the odd miscreant who though they could sneak in without paying).

    The Exhibition will remain at Coseley School.

    Finally once again a massive thanks to you guys and gals and see you next year..........preliminary date.......18th May 2008

    Ray and Angela Hale
    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

  • #2
    Originally posted by Ray Hale View Post
    Hi everyone I just had to post up a few comments about the 22nd Exhibtion.

    This was the 15th Exhibition I have had the "pleasure" to organise. and despite the few teething problems with the new venue it really was a pleasure to put it all together.

    I must thank a few folk. First of all the rest of the BTS Commitee who worked like trojans to make sure we pulled it off. In particular Mark and Karen Titterton and their daughter who organised the overflow carpark so well ( at least you got a suntan Mark). Also thanks to Lee Cole who despite being ill the previous couple of days came down and headed the security team. Of course I have to thank my wife and your secretary,Angela for coping with me again before and during the show. She has the patience of a saint. Deano and Su for offering to step in at the last minute as replacements for Lee. The staff of the new venue for their assistance and cooperation, the exhibitors who were honest and open minded about the move and of course we would like to thank because without the support of the visitors,members or not there wouldnt be an exhibition.

    The weekend is always a hectic,tiring one but it gives us the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.

    I would add a few observations of my own. I thought the new venue was excellent and despite a few teething problems, which will be solved by next year, that the Exhibition was one of the best. The stock on display was of an exceptional quality and the choice of species was as good as I have ever seen (So I am told because as usual I spent most of my day solving visitor problems and dealing with the odd miscreant who though they could sneak in without paying).

    The Exhibition will remain at Coseley School.

    Finally once again a massive thanks to you guys and gals and see you next year..........preliminary date.......18th May 2008

    Ray and Angela Hale
    Date bookmarked - see y'all next year!
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


    • #3
      Ray & Co...Thank you!

      This was my first Exhibition and it was a wonderful experience that i would thoroughly recommend.

      The venue was easy to get to, the size was right, and the layout and parking were top notch.
      I thought all people involved were a pleasure to meet and considering the stress you must all have been under to organise the even you managed to retain your sense of humour! Also nice to put some faces to names!

      As you mentioned the exhibitors were amazing, some beautiful spiders and other inverts there and a wealth of knowledge from all sides on whatever you felt you needed to know!

      This was my first show but I can certainly promise I will be there next year!

      Well done to all and keep up the good work!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Johanna McMullen View Post
        Ray & Co...Thank you!

        This was my first Exhibition and it was a wonderful experience that i would thoroughly recommend.

        The venue was easy to get to, the size was right, and the layout and parking were top notch.
        I thought all people involved were a pleasure to meet and considering the stress you must all have been under to organise the even you managed to retain your sense of humour! Also nice to put some faces to names!

        As you mentioned the exhibitors were amazing, some beautiful spiders and other inverts there and a wealth of knowledge from all sides on whatever you felt you needed to know!

        This was my first show but I can certainly promise I will be there next year!
        Well done to all and keep up the good work!
        Thank you Johanna, its nice to have a positive reply, and good to meet you too, after reading a few negative posts on another forum, just a few moments ago.

        I had a great weekend, an early start out on Saturday morning, setting up on Saturday then having a few beers (lots) and a good meal Saturday, Sunday was great despite never really having a good look round show or buying anything I did come home with some rather nice P, metallica – (Thanks to JMV)

        Being a new venue we were all under pressure especially Ray, I was pleased it went as well as it did, next year all the problems will be ironed out, and be a smoother than a kasmir cod piece.

        Well done Ray and Angela

        See you all in 2008

        Last edited by Mark Pennell; 22-05-07, 06:23 PM.

        Serious Ink tattoo studio -
        Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
        My Collection: - Support captive breeding


        • #5
          I'd just like to say thanks to all who played a part in organising the event.
          Myself and my youngest lad had a great time.
          The exhibitors and "shops" were very helpful and informative, VERY reasonably priced and had a selection to cover everyones taste i think.
          the venue was easily accessed and although mid day got a bit "stuffy" (expected from that many people) there was a nice relaxed atmosphere so it wasn't as noticeable.

          over the last 30 odd years i have attended (getting close to) a hundred or so herpetological and entomological shows like this and i have to say this one blew the others away, not something i thought i'd be saying to be honest as i've attended some much bigger venues within the herp field.
          It's definitely not the material things that make a good day out, it's the people who attend, be they general public, members, staff or organisers.

          If there were teething problems, they were well hidden and didn't spoil a well organised event.
          A job VERY well done.


          Colin & Shane


          • #6
            for saying it was my first ever visit to a BTS show i was really pleased and i will be going to the next one too but i will have more money as there is a huge selection. so a big thank you is in order


            • #7
              Excellent show, some very very nice stock indeed there, at very reasonable prices. Nice to meet everyone whether for the first or the umpteenth time. An extremely enjoyable day overall and another great BTS event.

              Thanks to everyone involved

              My Collection:


              • #8
                Ray, it was very good, the wife and my little girls enjoyed it, which was a surprise.
                Well done.


                • #9
                  Many thanks to all involved in making my first show an enjoyable one. It was great fun and everyone I spoke was very friendly and welcoming.
                  Looking forward to many more....


                  My Collection: - Support captive breeding

