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It's got to be the question everyone wants to ask...

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  • It's got to be the question everyone wants to ask...

    What did Jo buy at the BTS show!? Lol!

    Well first of all I need to say a few things..

    Ray and Angela and all the 'crew', I've mentioned it on another thread but there's no harm in repeating myself!
    Brilliant show, it was perfectly organised, an excellent venue, awesome people and we couldn't have asked for more!
    Some amazing exhibitors and a wealth of advise offered at every table!

    Good to see that Lee from the Spidershop made it despite mechanical problems that weekend and had a good show of spiders for sale!

    I have to say a massive thank you to Colin and Shane for their company for the day and I have to say Colin did me proud with the amount of T's he went home with!

    Mike, was fab to finally meet you and your dad, I think you too had a good day, still makes me chuckle about the P, regalis after giving me all your other Pokies! I think you were a little more reserved on the buying front that myself or Colin though - well done! Lol!

    Ok, so what did I buy then?


    1 x T, apophysis juv
    1 x M, velvetosoma
    1 x P, rufilata large juv
    3 x P, rufilata juv's (Thanks to Ray Gabriel for the deal on the 3 and he even threw in a free bag of dirt! lol! Bargain!)
    1 x P, ornata juv


    3 x Praying mantids - still to learn their latin names! lol

    What I also came home with...

    1 x C, fimbratus (Thanks Mike for this one!)
    1 x P, regalis sling from Colin & Shane as a swap for my frog!
    1 x P, regalis/2 x P, formosa from Mike coz he wasn't going to keep Pokies anymore! lmao!
    1 x Little flat rock scorpion thingy (Colin, I will learn the latin name! Lol!) that Colin was very kind to donate to me as my very first scorpion!!

    Overall a brilliant day - the weather was kind and the people were lovely!

    Pity couldn't have recognised more people there though, maybe should have either made more people wear name stickers or organised a meeting point at the venue (Dave Gunter's idea!)

  • #2
    I'm glad you had a good day and went home with lots of goodies. After reading so many posts on the show and hearing how well it was organised and how friendly eveyone was I'm sorry I didnt go, but my daughter and I will hopefully be at the next one.

    I have a flat rock scorpion and I believe the latin is Hadogenes troglodytes, but feel free anyone to correct me on that lol.
    B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
    C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
    L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
    P. irminia - P. murinus


    • #3
      Helen, you're right, the species i aquired was troglodytes. this was a last minute, oportunity not to be missed, so cheap i couldn't say no deal for 9 little flat rock 2nd instar babies (purchased around the time Ray was stuffing rufilata's in Jo's pockets. )

      It was a pleasure to walk round on a shopping spree with you Jo, shane's new frog is now king of the hill as it were and come about 9pm tonight we'll have the frog chorus again, (plus hermit crabs clicking and squeeking to each other), glad you like the little scorp. That free bag of muck from Ray!!, is there no end to the mans talents
      You whisked the P Ornata away to the car fast, never saw that one, or did I?, it was all a blur.

      Nice to see you again Dave (what a charactor), thanks for the triops advice for shane (he now thinks he's an authority on them). One thing i neglected to show you was the nice little "love tag" on my finger from one of those Cavimanus i got from you at Kettering, boy did i feel a plonker when it got me !!

      I'll say it again, all in all a fantastic day

