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  • Slings

    My new slings that i have had for a week now, they have only eaten once, is this ok, i was told that they would eat as much as they could. They are a A.Geniculatal and A. Natalensis???????

  • #2
    Try a little prekilled cricket and leave it overnight, or if you feed pre killed try a small live cricket just to cover all bases.
    they may be coming up for a moult, or it just may be that there last meal you gave them is enough for now.
    feeding these slings is a "play it by ear" scenario in my opinion.
    I also use uncoloured Squat maggots, available usually to order from a fishing tackle shop some awquard slings.


    • #3
      Thanks Colin, will try that, they have been having live crickets, about the size of an ant. Did wonder if these were to big.


      • #4
        Most A, genic's eat like there's no tomorrow! May be as mentioed that it's coming up to a moult...

        Make sure you feed no bigger than the spider. My genic will only take micro crix even though other slings his size will take something their equal!


        • #5

          Hi Richard,
          try getting some small maggots from the fishing shop (about 1cm size) and offering them one of these each. You might have to kill the maggots first though, depending on how big your spiderlings are and how far their fangs have developed.
          sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

