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Cleaning T cages?

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  • Cleaning T cages?

    Hello all,

    I would appreciate any suggestions on how to thoroughly clean used Pet-Pals and other plastic containers that have been free of chemicals, etc. I've used plain water and paper towels but there is always a residual dirty film. Am I being too persnickety?

    Just days away from taking in a T or two.

    Thanks, Bill

  • #2
    I've always used hot soapy water (and a very soft sponge to prevent scratching) to remove the greasy film, then a good rinse under hot water, finally a quick dry off with a paper towel.
    seems to work fine for me.

    oh yeah if you do get a bit of "stuck on dirt" leave to soak rather than rub away at it as you may scratch the plastic with even the softest sponge or towel.


    • #3
      [quote=Colin D Wilson;13463]I've always used hot soapy water (and a very soft sponge to prevent scratching) to remove the greasy film, then a good rinse under hot water, finally a quick dry off with a paper towel.
      seems to work fine for me.

      Will do, thx Colin.

      Cheers, Bill


      • #4
        Hi William,

        I use a substance called "Milton Sterilising fluid" I dont know if its available in the US but its basically what we use for sterilising babies bottles.

        It worked for me when I was a baby and it works now.

        The problem with petpals is they are made of plastic and whatever you do the surface becomes scratched and the dirt becomes ingrained. I go for glass tanks. More expensive but economic in the long run. Ive had glass tanks for twenty years.

        Hope this helps

        Ray Hale BTS Committee

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        • #5
          my mum puts mine in the dish washer and then i wipe them all out with miltin fluid. my T's are in very good conditshon and it works really well and gets rid of old webs and water spots.


          • #6
            Ray and Sonny

            Thx for responding. I've not heard of Milton's product but we must have something similar here in the states. Did attempt to put the Pet-Pals into our dishwasher, altho I do have a concern about the washer chemical, not detergent, that is used, however my wife gave me that 'look', you know the one that only a woman, wife can give
            I do agree that glass 'cages' are the way to go and I do have glass tanks but all too large. And yes, they are expensive so in time I'll probably pursue 2.5 or 5 gal tanks.

            Cheers and a great wkend all



            • #7
              william, miltin fluid is what is used to clean babys bottles out so you will be able to get something like that in america. my mum is always cleaning the house but she doesnt mind putting my T tanks in the dish washer, she said the dish washer can be rinsed out afterwards. my plastic KK's always come up clean and shiny in the dish washer. if you dont get miltin baby bottle cleaner you can always use small animal disinfectent which is used to clean hamster and rodent cages. you can buy it from pet shops.


              • #8
                how offen shell i clean it out is it a case of look for it and thats is or is it every couple of mouths as well

