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Death of G.rosea

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  • Death of G.rosea

    Hi All

    Just to let those of you know who have been answering my previous posts. The G.Rosea in my local pet shop died in the night. I was at the pet shop yesterday and have never seen anything like it. The T had his legs held very close to his body, he almost looked like he was on his knees and walking fast backwards and in circles.

    It was quite distressing to watch, I was pretty cetain poor thing was dying. I did offer to take him for them but they wanted to keep him too see if he perked up. I find it really strange this T seemed in good health when they got him about 6 weeks ago, but ovet he last too weeks had shown very odd signs of jumping up and down and banging his feet on the ground when the door to his vavarium was touched. The he just progress on to this behaviour contantly.

    Do you think he might not of been able to moult? I don't think if I had taken him he would of been any better off, I feel he was obviously going to die. I'm gutted tho. Just goes to show how these little creatures can capture you heart without you even noticing.


  • #2
    It's a real shame, any opinions or reasons for it's death i could offer would be mere speculation i'm afraid.


    • #3
      Hi Barbara.
      Sorry you had to witness such a tragic scene.




      • #4
        im so sorry to here that i have lost pets and dogs that wernt mine that i was close to, just rember thats the T is in a better place it helps i lost 1 of my dogs a year ago she was on about 11 i was there holding he till the end in the vets and it hurts very deep
        hope u feel better soon


        • #5
          Aww Barbara I'm so sorry. What a horrible thing to have happened.


          Give me all your Avics !!!!!


          • #6
            Thanks everyone, really appreciate your comments. It's just frustrating not knowing what could of been wrong. never mind, I guess Colin is right when he says we need to learn what we can, where we can, and when we can.

            Thanks again all!!


