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L parahybana Moulting and possibly Sexing pics.

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  • L parahybana Moulting and possibly Sexing pics.

    Hey up all.

    My L parahybana has finally moulted (thought it was never going to happen. I managed to get a couple of pics of the process.

    Now I'm not sure if someone with more knowledge can sex it yet, I'm not sirte I have even photographed the right area.

    Also a little off topic, are P regalis juvies ment to be brown before they get there black and white adult colours?



  • #2
    One of my parahybanas has gone really black, so I think a molt is coming. Wait till it blackens up a bit, they're really stunning T's.

    Looking at the molt I would say its male. Between the upper pair of booklungs there should be a flap if its a female. Of course I may be completely wrong...



    • #3
      Looks like a male to me too Kain, how big is this one though?

      With regard to regalis they are duller as spiderlings but start to colour up fairly quickly unless they are males which are a brown colour, again how big is the regalis in question?

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      • #4
        My daughter's adult female L parahybana is absolutely beautiful. She's just started to spend more time out of her hide now it's getting a tad warmer.
        B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
        C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
        L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
        P. irminia - P. murinus


        • #5
          Looks like a small spider, I would not be so sure its male just yet.

          Next molt should tell for sure


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          • #6
            L p is about 3.5 inches now, I thought there was a possiblilty he was abit small.

            The P regalis is about 2 inches, possibly 2.5 inches.




            • #7
              May be even the moult after that Mark.
              The water bowl looks like a plastic milk container top for size comparason.

              How big is he/she Kain .....about 60 - 80 mm legspan or so?

              size question answered, you posted at the same time i did
              Last edited by Guest; 28-05-07, 08:32 PM. Reason: Size question answered


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kain Prestwood View Post
                My L parahybana has finally moulted (thought it was never going to happen.
                Tell me about it. For all the fast-growing hype they can take their sweet time.

                Nice pics! How long did the process take?


                • #9
                  About 2 hours from the time it flipped onto its back, to the time it got back on it's legs.

                  Pretty quick really, but it's still a youngster.


