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Gallery image movement

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  • Gallery image movement

    If any members have had an email stating that their Gallery images have been moved to a more suitable location (as i have) I contacted Mark this morning and he returned this message to explain things.

    "HI Colin
    OK just caught me before I fly off... Ok firstly it was my mistake that you were able to post the images in the theraposhid gallery only those with in this group are allowed to post there.

    I was sorting out the permissions and accidently left them open for BTS members to post images in the gallery.

    I left them there becuase to be honest I had not had the time to contact you or the few others who posted there.

    The the group had questioned my to why I allowed this so I mentioned to another Admin and he said he would move the images, they are not deleted but MOVED! OK.

    Please except my apologies but it is a closed group that can publish there and over the next few months this will become apparent why.

    As we get things sorted and ID's are correct we will expand this select group and I guess you images may get moved back

    Once agian sorry for any inconvience caused - it was not the quality of your images - which were first rate, its just they should not have been able to be posted there OK.

    Theraphosidae group member can be reconised by their purple text there name highlights with.

    Hope this explians things.

    If any posts on the open forum asking why they images were moved please can you relay this message as I am off to the jungle for a few weeks.




  • #2
    I have moved all images that were inadvertently posted in the "Theraphosidae Gallery" due to a temporary error in permissions settings into the "BTS Members Gallery". As Mark wrote, only members of a selected committee can post into the "Theraphosidae Gallery" and those people have bold purple usernames (or orange or red for admins), and exclusion from this gallery has nothing to do with quality of images or accuracy of identification. In fact, many of the images were quite nice and I regretted having to move them. As Mark mentioned, some may eventually be invited back. However, this gallery is separate from the "BTS Members Gallery" where most images should reside. The "Theraphosidae Gallery" is a very important project where we are compiling the largest photographic collection of both described species and undescribed hobby forms. Those who can post there are limited to a small group that regularly discusses identification and nomenclature, etc. to maintain the integrity of the resource.

    Kind regards, Michael
    -> Exotic Fauna, The Tarantula Bibliography, ARACHNOCULTURE E-Zine -
    -> The British Tarantula Society -
    -> -


    • #3
      Thanks for the further clarification Michael

