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How long to tell if my Smithi is dead?

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  • How long to tell if my Smithi is dead?

    My CB'04 Smithi stopped eating 6 weeks ago, webbed over the entrance to it's hide and hasn't come out since.

    I haven't fed it during this period but have made sure the water dish is always topped up and that temp/humidity levels have been maintained. I have checked on it every day (with a torch) and it has been changing position.

    But today, it is lying flat on the floor, legs stretched out and it's 2 front left legs are across it's cephalothorax to the right hand side. It looks dead to me, but obviously I don't want to pile in there and disturb it if it is about to moult?

    I have had it 12 months exactly and it has moulted last July and September, but nothing since.

    How long should I leave it undisturbed before I can tell if it is definately dead or not? I hope it isn't but I feel as though I may have starved it over the last 6 weeks, as it has always been a voracious eater, going after everything I put in the tank?

  • #2
    It either is about to moult or probably has moulted and is recuperating. Dont disturb it and leave it to itself and it will appear when it is ready to venture out of the hole. Dead ts are usually opposite to what they look like in moult where their legs are curled under their bodies and upright.


    • #3
      If it's lying on it's back, it's moulting (although spiders have been known to moult in all positions).

      Normally a dead spider is found in a crouching position with it's legs crunched up under it.
      Simply this is because a spiders body works on a "hydraulic" system and when there is no "liquid" pressure within the body they return to this natural position

      I'd continue to check over the next day or so to see if there's any further movement. you've done the right thing keeping the water topped up as it may need a drink even though it's not feeding. if it ate like a pig previously then six weeks shouldn't pose a problem for not eating


      • #4
        Thanks for the quick replies - I didn't know that they curled up when dead - it makes sense of course and is good info, so thanks for that.

        Just checked again and it has moved the 2 wayward legs back to the correct side - so it can't be dead, which is good news!

        I will lock the door and leave it be for today before checking again.


        • #5
          Good luck Neil, hope it is ok now.
          spider woman at Wilkinsons


          • #6
            OK, it's all good - I now have a much bigger spider and a spare suit for it up the back of the hide!

            I will leave it until Sunday to see if it drags the old skin out before lifting the hide off it and offering some food.

            It has been 9 months since the last moult, so does that indicate it is now adult and if so, being CB'04, does it point towards it being male?


            • #7
              I'm pretty sure it takes a smithi at least 5 years to reach maturity Neil (correct me if i'm wrong there people),
              You could have a look at the exuvium and have an educated guess at the sex. (there's several piccies on here showing you what to look for from other members, and loads if you google "tarantula sexing")


              • #8
                I must admit I have tried doing this before, even having the fortune to be "babysitting" a friends 10 year old female Smithi when it moulted - but I really couldn't see what I was looking for, eeven with a photograph in front of me!


                • #9
                  Post a pic of the area between the top pair of book lungs and someone should be able to help. If the exuvium has dried and you can't unfurl it moisten it and use a paintbrush or a pair of tweezers (delicately) and you should be able to staighten it out to get a good view.
                  Visit our work in progress website here:


                  • #10
                    Don't worry mate i've been keeping these things for over 30 years now and its
                    50% educated guess,
                    30% certainty,
                    and 20% what the heck am i looking for when i do it.!!!!


                    • #11
                      Don't worry about it. Mine did the same and after about 6 weeks she emerged, bigger,better and beautiful.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Richard Simmonds View Post
                        Don't worry about it. Mine did the same and after about 6 weeks she emerged, bigger,better and beautiful.
                        Decided to drag the old skin out today as it has been a week and it had pushed it towards the hide entrance. Couldn't quite get to the abdomen section as the T was sitting on it, but all the rest came out no problem.

                        Also decided to drop a cricket in (not eaten for 7 weeks) and hey presto - it came out on the prowl - I cannot believe how much it has grown in one moult, it must be near enough an inch bigger across the legspan now?


                        • #13
                          Ah, changed to "How to decide if my Smithi is Male?"

                          "He" came out again last night and I noticed 2 large, thorn like spurs on his front legs and his pedipalps have quite noticeable bulbs at the end now.

                          I assume I don't need to photograph the last moult to get a "sexing" done then?

                          Does this mean he is now mature and is that the last moult I can expect from him?

                          He was CB'04 so is only 3 - 3.5 years old - I would be well dissapointed if he decides to pass away any time shortly.


                          • #14
                            Think we'll let you off the photo this time Neil.

                            I'd get him advertised as a mature male and let him do his thing.
                            I've heard it said so many times and it rings true..... for males, this is the begining of the end.
                            Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                            Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                            • #15
                              Hey Neil Im after a MM B. smithi, would you be interested in trading him??


