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P Pedersenni Drumming?

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  • P Pedersenni Drumming?

    I noticed this T 2 nights ago drumming with it's pedipalps on the viv walls.

    Going by the pics I reckon it's a male but maybe just sort a moult or two before becoming mature?

    Is this like a kind of warm up behaviour for the final moult?

    It doesnt have the tibial hooks or boxing gloves yet, but even the colouring and legginess should mean almost mature male no?

    The T is about 6" LS.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    PS There is a female (I think) P Regalis in the enclosure beside the P Pederseni could this be a communication attempt?
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...

  • #2
    Hi Robert, looks & sounds like you have a mature male there already, best advice is to find someone with a female, drop a post on the bulletin board & get him away for breeding asap, when did he molt last do you know?

    Mike. a work in progress.

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    • #3
      Not in the last 4 weks at least!

      He's not eating, but due to the lack of tibial hooks I couldn't determine for sure.

      Although if you look at his palps there are 2 small pinkish globes there, what are those?

      If this is the case, anyone looking for a P Pederseni to stud?
      All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


      • #4
        Sounds ass though he is more than ready to go on his travels now Robert, especially if he is drumming to your female regalis!

        Good luck with finding him a mate, pop an advert on the bulletin board that might help.

        Mike. a work in progress.

        Now offering the full range of MicroClimate products and also the full range of Java wood Decor.

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        • #5
          Sorry to keep on bout this but does the lack of tibial hooks not mean he isn't mature?

          And no boxing gloves either?

          Saying that, I was looking at my friends pokie poster and he def looks the part
          All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


          • #6
            Those pinkish globes you have noticed are his "boxing gloves" thats as big as they get . And not all male tarantula species get Tibial hooks upon maturing, the whole of the Poecilotheria genus's males will not develop hooks,


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chris Wheeler (Gigus) View Post
              Those pinkish globes you have noticed are his "boxing gloves" thats as big as they get . And not all male tarantula species get Tibial hooks upon maturing, the whole of the Poecilotheria genus's males will not develop hooks,
              Excellent, that's good to know!
              All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


              • #8
                Hi Robert, Poecilotheria males don't possess tibial spurs and their "boxing gloves" have always appeared small to me in comparison to many other species, this probably explains why you had not noticed he was mature. The drumming also adds weight to the maturity argument to me as I don't recall having an immature male drum at a female (waits for floods of disagreement!)

                Hope this helps,


                Oops someone beat me to it!
                Last edited by Mike Conabeer; 03-06-07, 09:51 PM. Reason: answer already given
       a work in progress.

                Now offering the full range of MicroClimate products and also the full range of Java wood Decor.

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                • #9
                  Cheers to both you guys, every day's a school day!

                  If you know anyone who's interested in breeding can you let them know?

                  I've already posted on the bulletin, so fingers crossed!
                  All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...

