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First moult

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  • First moult

    Well I'm so excited that we have just had our first T moult woohoo!!!!!!!!!

    Our little B. vagans has grown from about 1.5" to 2" and is looking fabulous. I had just popped a cricket in there and managed to catch a glimpse of her in the back of her hide. There were too many legs there lol. I quickly removed the cricket and out she came from her hide. She is all bright and shiny new

    My daughter and I are just about busting with excitement lol.


    Give me all your Avics !!!!!

  • #2
    Congrats! Glad it went well, and it's always a great thing to see.


    • #3
      Well done Elaine, it's great when all goes well. My B.bohemi kept to the back of her hide for about a week then decided to eat. I love seeing how they have grown tho!!



      • #4
        Thanks Warren :0) It went so well that I didnt see it happening, just got the finished result lol.

        Cheers Barbara :0) I will leave her wll alone for a few days before feeding. She seems so much bigger and her butt is a lovely bright red and the rest is all velvety black. She is such a pretty wee thing.
        Its such a relief to know that I must have the conditions right for her to moult so easily.


        Give me all your Avics !!!!!

